Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow...

Here's a news flash... For Christmas I got fat.
For my Birthday in May I got less fat and that gift kept on giving right up through October When I got the news that I was married to a felon
( he would have been a felon if my sister had let me call the police.)
That's when all the fat started coming back to me.
Entire pies longingly whispered my name, half gallons of rocky road reached out for me in the night and cookies and brownies began greeting me for breakfast and making standing dates for lunch and dinner.
Oh they made me feel good, there's no arguing that, they embraced me in their sweet and satisfying goodness throughout my days and late into my nights, and what they gave me was real.
I REALLY have a huge ass, thunder thighs and front butt.
As obsessed as I am about the food industry, you'd think I would be a harder fish for bad food to fry.
I know how our beef is raised, I know how pigs are slaughtered and I can recite to you chapter and verse the crime that is high fructose corn syrup.

The problem is, I'm a junkie.
An easy mark.
I'm weak.
So as of yesterday, (I'm at the big ONE day mark) I'm off the junk again.
No sugar and this time no dairy.
From what I read, it seems that most of us are allergic to dairy anyway.
Research says there is no reason for us to consume another mammals milk.
Eew. Saying that out loud just grossed me out.
Now I just need to find some research and literature telling me how gross it is to sit on the couch watching daytime stories and Lifetime movies.

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