Thursday, July 9, 2009

July 9

I have to go to the dentist this morning. I hate the dentist. I am scared to death of the dentist. I cry at the dentist. But I have to go.
Today I'm just going in for a buff and polish, but they use that metal hooky scrapey thing and it FREAKS me out. Maybe I should have all my teeth pulled and I could just mail them in for a cleaning once or twice a year and soak them in a glass on the bathroom counter for maintenance at night.
I'm not kidding you, I find the dentist disturbing.

So, the cougar is gone. She and Bob got into it yesterday and she took off only to return later in the day to I assume collect her worldly possessions. From what I understand, she cried on the couch for an hour or so and then got in her Explorer and left for what we all hope will be for good. Bob seemed really ok with the whole situation, but of course he would, he's twenty-three years old.

Wendy and I still aren't speaking. There was a break in the storm for a day or so in May, but it was short lived.
I'm not going into it any more than that because when I do, it just gives new life to the pain and anger.
My advice... make sure you have at least two kids, that way if something happens to one ~like their head gets permanently stuck up their ass~ you still have a chance with another one.

Maddy and Wy are having a blast. Last night they built a bamboo fort and I've had the song "House of bamboo" stuck in my head ever since. It's made of sticks, sticks and bricks, you can get your kicks, in the house of bamboo!
There, now it's stuck in your head too :)
I'll post a photo of it later.

What's up with the autopsy saying MJ didn't have any hair?

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