Wednesday, July 8, 2009

July 8


We saw Transformers 2 yesterday and it was GREAT!!!
I loved every overly action packed minute of it (except for the couple times I fell asleep~That's just what I do during a movie) If you like the first one, the second one will rock your world. All robots, all the time!
I haven't been to a movie since Pirates of the Caribbean 1 and it turns out the prices have gone up a bit. That was kind of a sting and because of it, I don't think I'll be going back to the cinema anytime soon, but it was worth it to see Optimus Prime on the big screen

Lets talk about cougars.
The new neighbors in the little house are a father and son duo that work with Mike at Safeway. Very nice people, very nice family. The kid, we'll call him "Bob" is dating an older woman, we'll call her..."Crystal" (I consulted Google for a good stripper name.) Bob is twenty-three and Crystal is f o r t y o n e. Just to add to the omg'ness of this story, I will throw in that fact I am forty-one and my daughter is twenty-five. Now, Crystal does have a rockin hard bod, but she is totally soft in the head, doesn't have a job OR custody of her children and is a recovering meth addict. Bob, is all but scared of her and claims that she won't leave him alone even though he has supposedly tried repeatedly to break up with her. I don't know her side of the story because I don't like her and have been very, shall we say , short with her all of the few times we have met in the driveway. So, if this business is true that Bob really is not wanting the attention of this woman, how does he rid himself of a hungry stalking cougar?
Lets just open up the conversation on this one in the comment section.

So far, the only thing new around here today is that my kitchen smells like the beach at low tide. I cooked oysters for dinner last night and the aroma still lingers.

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