Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Underpants and iPods!

I wish I had a camera. Mine died a sand filled death after our last trip to the beach. I have the camera on my phone, but it just isn't the same.
I am wishing I had a camera this morning in particular because Pooter got his bi-yearly haircut yesterday and he looks like the biggest goober EVER. Sonja, his usual beauty operator was running the clippers, but her day must have taken a turn for the dark side sometime before turning them on Pooter. It's atrocious. I'm taking him back in for a do over when I go to the dentist this morning and I'm considering asking for the five dollar tip back as well.
Poor Pooter, I bet everyone in the barnyard is laughing at him, not to mention the two other dogs he lives with here in the house.

Quadrant cleaning at the dentist this morning. Doesn't even sound fun. I still stand firmly by my belief that I would rather go to the dentist than the lady parts doctor, I don't care if everyone surveyed disagreed with me. For all I know you are all just a bunch of closet exhibitionists who deep down inside are really secretly wishing you could wear your paper dresses home. Whatever, I don't hold that against you.
I do have to shave my legs for my appointment today though because I'm wearing short pants and sandals.
Speaking of short pants... Did I mention that I bought size 8 underpants last weekend? That's right, size eight! I was wearing a tight 10 but when it came to the point that I needed suspenders for them I broke down and bought new ones. Who knew how satisfying new underpants could be :)

Maddy got her new glasses yesterday and they look FABULOUS! One pair is purpleypink and the other is a wire rimmed pair. So stinkin cute. I wish I had a camera for that too.
After we picked up her glasses we went to the White Trash Warehouse (Wal-Mart) and got the kids each an iPod shuffle. They were SO excited! Now if I could just figure out how to run them.
Remember when you got your first WalkMan? The casette kind? How cool you thought it was. I thought I was really cool listening to Madona and Supertramp on mine.
If Wyatt were to see one now he'd think it was a door stop.

I have to go shave for the dentist now.

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