Thursday, July 16, 2009


Don't forget, tomorrow is the BIG day, QnA with Quinn Cummings! If you haven't bought her book yet, swing by her blog and read some of her other blogging book tour interviews, you will LOVE her writing.

We spent almost the entire day yesterday fussing around with a new computer for #6. He has been wanting a laptop and yesterday was the day to make that happen. It only required three trips to town, two calls to Apple, one call to Verizon and countless hours of setting things up. I dare you to try setting up an airport wireless router and getting a connection any farther than twenty feet away. It just isn't possible. He ended up with a Verizon wireless plug in deal, but I think I'm going to call our local ISP today to get one of their routers.
If I said I wasn't jealous of Lucky's laptop I would be the biggest liar on the planet. He has iLife, Photoshop, and all the other cool stuff I don't have and he won't use. So I look at it and feel sorry for myself, pick it up and the funny thing is, it doesn't feel like home to me. So then I get back on mine where everything is just right and where it should be. I love my Mac, I feel like it's part of me. All my crazy ideas and friends live here and I know just how to get anywhere I want to go.
Thanks J.
Um, by the way... We got his new G4 iBook on Craigslist for 600.00 less than they sell for new. Talk about cutting a fat hog. I hate to profit off of someone else's misfortune, but I have to tell you, the best time to buy a Mac is obviously when the economy is in the toilet.

Today is back to business. Mike has a big shiny John Deere in the driveway on loan from the neighbor that he will use to cut the pastures today. I love the look and smell of a fresh cut field! The kids will be banned to the upstairs until their bedrooms are clean, which could mean I will be delivering food and refreshments for the better part of the day. I will be doing the normal stuff around the house that I am now officially one full day behind on. Oh well, the bigger the job, the bigger the satisfaction when it's done.
I just shaved my legs and my teeth are clean so I'm ready to take on the world!!!

* Speaking of taking on the world, Jack is due to arrive in Seattle from Alaska today. His first and my favorite ex informed me yesterday that he has intentions of taking Wyatt back to Texas with him. Please let me know if you have spotted any flying pigs lately, because I'll need to see some too before I let Wy go on a road trip with that idiot.

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