It all looks so good and makes me so happy.
And, then I look around and think about Wendy and cry.
Oh well, no present for her this year, that should shorten up the gift list and save us a few bucks.
I just hope she stays warm and dry in her refrigerator box eating spam.
Thanksgiving was okeydokey.
Not the best, but not quite the worst either.
It was my first Thanksgiving in this house without my Grammy OR my Grampy, throw in the fact that my Dad has been dead for seven years AND it was my first holiday without Stinky the lush.
Needless to say I didn't bother with the good dishes.
Hot food with a holiday theme was enough.
Heres a funny story and I'll try to keep it short.
My Dads last Thanksgiving he was pretty grouchy.
The chemo, the aches and pains and depression took quite a toll on him.
That morning I had been busy cooking and getting ready with Wyatt and a dog or two underfoot (in my single wide) and was multi-tasking by laundering all the bedding.
I had decided to wash the pillows as Wy had a tendency to chew and spew on them, not taking into consideration that twenty year old goose down pillows may not "weather" a second hand twenty year old washer.
Imagine if you will, twenty minutes passing, a horrendous off balance thumping, and feathers
e v e r y w h e r e ......
It was a sight that brings tears to my eyes to this day.
In a single wide, the washer and dryer are usually in the hall with the back door directly across from the appliances.
I started throwin' feathers out that door into the backyard as fast as I could, but the more I threw the worse it got.
There were feathers in the hall, feathers on me, feathers on the baby, feathers on the wall.
Feathers in the grass, feathers on the deck, feathers on the dog, I was in feathers up to my ASS.
As dinner was cooking and the baby was crying and I was cleaning feathers out of the washing machine, my Dad pulled in the driveway.
He walked in the door, took an assessment of my situation, shook his head and said....
"What the hell are you doing... You don't have to wash the Gaw dammd thing before you cook it."
About that time, Wyatt took off his diaper, peed in the potted plat, I started crying and someone kicked the dog.
The holidays were off to a grand start!