Yesterday I made GK and Wyatt corn dogs for lunch (deep fried, not baked, mmmmm) and GK forgot there was a stick in the dog. He bit down and loosend his bottom front tooth. : ( He said it didn't hurt and he could wiggle it with his tongue or really get a good back and forth with his finger. I told him to be careful, no blood on the rug. It was decided that the best thing to do was go to the dentist. I called and they were able to get him in right after general Hospital. Perfect timing.
We got there and he went back in the room and just a few minutes later Dr Doug came out and said it needed to be pulled.
It needed to be pulled, but he couldn't do it. He needed to see an Oral Surgeon. Ok, call one. He did. So up the street we went to have his tooth yarded out. Easy sneezy. GK said it didn't bother him a bit. Me, I would of been a blubbering puddle on the floor.
Gk says it's not so bad because now he has a good spot for a straw when he drinks a soda : )
I went in this morning to have my tooth done. With valium and gas, the expierence wasn't so bad. I had to lie about taking the valium, because Dr. Doug said I couldn't have both. I decided what he doesn't know can't hurt him, and obviously it didn't hurt me either. I have to go BACK in two weeks to have the real tooth put on. That's what I thought I was going in for today. Wrong.
Today I just got another temp tooth while the lab makes the "real" tooth. Whatever.
Want to hear somethng gross?
Yesterday Mike trimmed back a big hawthorne bush and got a "thorn" in his knee. He kept working and cutting for another hour or so and just ignored the thorn utill he came inside. He sat down with a pair of tweezers to pull it was shoved in all the way to the fat end of the thorn and when the tweezers slipped off it sounded like pulling on a chicken bone.
Gross. It was about an inch long and pointy and GROSS. When he got it out, it bled like a mother for a long time. He put a bunch of Bactine on it so it won't get infected. If it does get infected, I'll for sure take a picture.
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