Monday, June 18, 2007

Doggy Day of Beauty

I just took Gizmo (the one in the diaper who had a hemorhoid) in to the groomer. His hind end recovered well, although he was a little nerve wracked about being left at the beauty barn alone. He thought the car ride with just the two of us was fun...untill I left him. Then he cried and shook alot. I will post a picture of the new and improved Gizmo as soon as I get him back.

Well, what a weekend.
Mike and Wyatt went North to get Maddy at 4:00a on Saturday morning. Wyatt was so excited to see her, and the fact they were able to stop and see Wendy made it a golden day all around.
Poor Mike, that makes for a long day. When they got home, I couldn't believe how tall Maddy was. Unreal. She is tall and lean and very mature.
Then theres Wyatt.
A cross between a Butter-ball and a Goon-ball.
I guess it's just the difference between boys and girls. As I remember though, Wendy was the same cross as Wyatt. Maybe it's in the genes, and I am just a producer of wierdos.
Yesterday was Fathers day. I know that now. Yesterday was a different story. So was the week leading up to Fathers Day when I would have bought a gift and thoughtful card.
It was kind of ugly, because even when I did remeber it was Fathers Day, Mike didn't hear me say "Happy Fathers Day" and swears to this moment that I didn't. I did.
The kids also had the same lack of etiquette and memory. I'm still not sure who suffered more. Us, or Mike. He did take the kids to the park and fed the ducks and geese and was able to spend some fun time with the KIDS. Isn't that what it's all about? I know, I'm sounding insensitive.
I think I should have been born a man or a Jehova's Witness. Holidays, Birthdays, anniversarys, blah blah blah....they just aren't a big deal to me.
I know what your thinking. Marilyn, aren't you the one who throws YOURSELF parties and posts flyers around town for YOUR OWN party????
Well yes, I do, but I am doing it for myself. That's different. I like planning my own surprise partys, but if it were left up to me I would forget to plan someone elses surprise party, because it wasn't about me. Ask my children, I am NOT a good other people party or event person.
Now listen. I think it takes a VERY big person to admit this about themselves. I am aware of my own self-involvement and am the first to admit it. On the other hand, I also feel like I am a very appreciative person and will be the first to call just to say I'm thinking about you. For no reason at all. I prefer to tell people how I feel about them when the mood strikes and the time is right as opposed to when the Hallmark people say I should. See?
It may also have something to do with the fact that I am HORRIBLE about remembering dates.
Anywho, it doesn't matter. I blew Fathers Day and I feel really bad about it. But it's like I told Mike, he will remember this Fathers Day above all others because I forgot it. Isn't that the whole point? To have a memorable day? I thought so.

GK has been feeling pretty good. No more foot or knee pain : ) Either the prednisone kicked in or the lasix is working. Either way, he feels better. Still having some blood pressure problems, but the doctor is working on it. He is getting his exercise by having to go to the bathroom so often, but the doesn't seem to mind.
So that's the weekend wrap-up.
See ya.

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