I am so flippin hot, I don't know how I'm going to make it through the summer. I think I need to buy a bikini at K-Mart tomorrow. I could just walk around the house in a bikini top and a sarong. Not a thong...sarong. Maybe not. GK is still recovering from a heart episode, I don't want to throw him into another. Could you imagine....what seemed to be the cause of Mr.Fahrenholz's stress? Well you see Doc, it was hot outside so I decided to put my bikini on. My Grampy got one look, threw up a little in his mouth, and that was it. The big one. I can't carry that kind of bikini burden.
We had a very busy day today. It started early when John came to finish the floor. I was making waffles, GK was eating waffles and John was contemplating the state of the floor. Molding. The floor has been finished for quite a while, GK has just been waiting for John to "finish" the finish work. Things were looking good, like it may just get done. There was a problem with the liquid nails. They didn't hold. So maybe tomorrow he will "finish" the finish work. Mike went and bought a differt kind of liquid nails for him. Cross your fingers.
Mike went to license the wagon. He passed DEQ and raced to DMV, but couldn't get the tabs because I had to sign for them. Dumb huh? I will go get them Monday.
While he was gone I cleaned 84 chicken eggs to take to my Mother to sell in her apartment complex. She already has buyers lined up, and for a couple bucks a dozen that will buy our feed.
Then we went to K-Mart and bought a salad spinner because Julie said EVERYONE needs a salad spinner. Now I have one.
Then we went to Costco and stocked up like Mormans. No offense Lindy, Mormans are prepared for anything.
Then we went to Target to buy bags for the seal a meal to save everything we bought.
Then we went to Home Depot and bought a tomatoe plant.
Then we went to Albertsons and got GK's medicine and some salad dressing to put atop ournewly soon to be dried salad.
Then we went to Blockbuster and got The Good Shepard and some Wallace and Gromit.
Then we came home.
Then we went to the Pink Feather for prime rib, Gk's treat.
Pretty nice.
I think the 80 year old waitress had her eye on GK.
Then Wyatt and I played ball in the yard and did his video blog.
Such a nice day.....only to end with a call from Jackass in Texas.
I think were done with him. I ended the call by telling him that from now on I only wish to speak with his attorney.
Since he hasn't worked for over three months and leads us to believe he wipes his ass with pages from the sears catolog because he's to broke to buy toilet paper, it may be awhile before we make contact.
Wyatt has business on the computer and I have a reservation in the smoking section on the deck.
See ya tomorrow
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