I'm back, and I don't even know where to begin.
The Gerbers arrived last Tuesday and it was like a whirlwind until Sunday. Five adults four kids and five dogs. The poodles went into heat pretty much as soon as the Gerbers got here. I don't know if it's something in Kelly's perfume or Lloyds aftershave, but it happened right away. You have never seen anything like it. Two female dogs stinkin and humpin and humpin and stinkin. I took our boys to the little house. Their fixed and had no idea what the hell was going on and started getting a little scared. They are still camped out next door because the poodeles are still going at it every now and again. Disgusting. GK loves his dogs though and say's that's just nature and their just doing their little thing. Nasty.
So things were kind of crazy during the Gerber stay. Different families do things different ways, and for GK who isn't used to being around ANY kind of kids or kaos, it was a real stretch for him. We all surrvived and enjoyed the visit though, and they were on their way home by Sunday afternoon.

Then came Monday.
Gk woke up.
I mean that. GK woke up. Sunday night he was sitting in his chair where he had been for the last three weeks, and using his walker to cautiously manuver every careful step he took.
Monday morning he walked out of his bedroom, standing straight, no walker, no cane. Strong and direct. He was walking around with fast and dilberate steps, bright eyed, clear headed. He put his contacts in, got dressed and told me he was going to town. He would be driving himself. In the Goatwagon.
Panick swept over me.
Here is a man who spent three weeks in the hospital, a week in a nursing home and the last three weeks in the chair fighting pain and high blood pressure.
He was going to town.
There was no stopping him.
He started out slow. A few trips to the neighbors and a spin around the pasture. Then he came in and told me to follow him to town. He was going to have a tire repaired. I loaded the kids up in the wagon. Maddy, who has only been here a little over a week said..."Marilyn, is Grampy supposed to drive"? No I told her, he isn't but he's to big to stop. Have you ever hoped to see a Sherrif? I did. I prayed that maybe a Sherrif would get between us and notice his months expired tabs. No luck.
All we needed was some background music, and it could of been a scene out of a movie. Me and the kids following the old guy to town to make sure he made it alive (and what was I supposed to do if he didn't? Be called as a witness? Yes your Honor, I knew he was driving. No he shouldn't have been driving, but it was ok because I was FOLLOWING him) So we make it to the tire store and he tells me he's fine and to go on home. I did. I didn't want to be a witness. I called Kelly and told her I was panicked and didn't know what to do. She told me not to act like Mom. That was the end of that conversation.
I called Julie and she said there wasn't much I could do. I was able to talk it out and realize there was nothing I could do.
I was worried sick. I was panicked. I was confused. I didn't know what to do. I didn't do anything.
Since then, GK has been driving ALL over. As much as he can, wherever he can, whenever he can. He was out the door by 8:30 this morning. Driving.
Who turned his switch on? What woke him up? Remember that movie with Robert DeNiro Awakenings? That's just what it's like.
Mike got the grey lawn mower that he had fixed up for me going yesterday. It needed a new battery. GK picked one up at Bi-Mart yesterday when he was in town.
You should have seen it...GK mowing the pasture on that old grey rider with the purple butterfly mounted on the grill and the orange farm caution sign on the back. He mowed for hours. We were happy to see him on the rider instead of on the road. Sheep can run faster than pedestrians.
Mike and I took the kids swimming last night. We had soo much fun. I looked pretty dang hot in my new K-Mart clearance blue skirted swim suit. It was great. Not only was I one of the thinnest girls in the pool, I was no doubt one of the prettiest.
I love Oregon City.
Wyatt goes off the diving board now. He got past the Life Guards one time and that was all it took. Now he just acts like he has always been going off the diving board. Duh.
Trust me, he is something to see.
Maddy has been the greatest, and despite our crazy living conditions is having a pretty good time. Between dogs barking their heads off every time they hear a child breathe and all the family being here she has just rolled with it.
A real trooper : )

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