Wow. Busy two days.
Yesterday we got Wyatt off to school and took the dogs (poodles) in to the groomer. When we got home, GK's ankles were swollen and KILLING him. We called the doctor and made an apointment. We had to go all the way across town to get to his Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday office. We had to use a wheelchair to get in the buuilding and up to his office. The doctor got a look at him and thinks it may have to do with his heart problems, the swelling anyway. He can't take a diuretic to take the fluid off though because his kidneys are still to dehydrated from the last round. Then there's the is so bad, it hurts just to stand .
So, Prednisone.
It has it's oogy side effects, but I guess it's better than the alternative.
So we head home, stop in the pharmacy only to find out nothing has been called in yet.
Go get the dogs.
Thats way the other way out.
We get the dogs and the groomer tells us the little one has a bad eye and needs to go to the vet.
We get home, call the vet and they say eye problems are bad news and we need to come in asap. We go in to the vet's office and sit and wait for an HOUR with half the dogs in the county. Stinky.
The vet looks at her eye and thinks she may been poked by grass or something outside. By this time the smell was gagging me and when I mentioned it, she said she should maybe check Ashley's anal glands. Sweet JESUS! Not the anal glands. Don't even SAY anal glands when I'm already so close to gagging. But not only did she say it, she did it. Gross.
Lucky for me, Ashley was not having any anal gland malfunctions.
Ok, so now we head to town to pick up GK's medicine and then home for dinner. I bbq'd burgers and they turned out really good. I was tired and GK was still hurting really bad and Mike had to get up at butt:crack o'clock to haul groceries to the coast today, so we all went to bed early.
We went in for a blood transfusion today. GK's legs and feet still killing him. He started the prednisone this morning, but it will take a day or two to kick in. We had to go to the lab first and then into day surgery where they have nice chairs and tv's set up. The transfusion takes between four to six hours. Once they got the blood going, I went to get the tabs for my car.
The DMV looks like Ellis Island.
Give us your poor, your tired and your taco's.
Good Lord.
I was there forever.
Then I went to Mom's to drop off her doggy playpen she forgot here last week. I got to see her new furniture and all her new landscaping.
She made me a little something to eat as I was suffering from low blood sugar.
Then I came home to get GK's med list that no one told me I would need. That's when I got the e.mail from Kate telling me the Texas Jackass was losing his house. My day suddenly got better. : )
As I started back to town I drove past a flat cat on the road. It was ours. I got kinda sick.
By the time I got back to the hospital with some Oreos (by the way, that was the name of our newly flattened cat)
and a coke for GK, General Hospital was on.
We sat there in the hospital, eating cookies, drinking coke-a-cola watching GH.
Life is good when your spending time with a friend.
By the time we got home, the flat cat had been removed from the road. That's a good thing.
It turns out, Wyatt got home from school early today, but "enjoyed the time to himself".
I asked how the kittens were and he said fine, Oreo and the kittens were upstairs sleeping.
I said "what"
He said..."Oreo and the kittens are upstairs sleeping"
I said...."No, Oreo got hit by a car"
He gave me the retard look and told me to go upstairs and see for myself.
Oreo and the kittens were upstairs sleeping.
I'm going to go start dinner.
Maybe later I'll go upstairs and play with the kittens and their Mother.
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