Didja find Justin Wilson? Maybe only I think stuff like that is funny, but I thought it was really funny.
Nothing going on today. GK and the neighbor drone worked up in the barn today. I doubt much got done, but it's good for GK to be out doing things. It makes him happy. The physical therapy guy came for his last visit and is AMAZED, as is everyone else how old the old guy is doing. Nobody understands how he makes such incredible comebacks.
The kids are upstairs cleaning. Maddy goes home this weekend, and I think Wyatt wants to go along for the ride. Kind of a bummer trip to leave here so early in the a.m and turn around and come right back. He wants to go though, so whatever.
The rain is really coming down today. Makes everything smell so good. I need to go feed the chickens and let our dogs out. The poodles are still in heat and wearing out each others backs. I told GK if they charged each other a nickel for every ride, they could buy their own dog treats for a year. It scares my dogs to death when the poodles back them in a corner and shove their ass in their face, so the boys are in protective custody at the little house. Trust me, they are happy to be there.
See Ya
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Right Now
On The Road Again
I'm back, and I don't even know where to begin.
The Gerbers arrived last Tuesday and it was like a whirlwind until Sunday. Five adults four kids and five dogs. The poodles went into heat pretty much as soon as the Gerbers got here. I don't know if it's something in Kelly's perfume or Lloyds aftershave, but it happened right away. You have never seen anything like it. Two female dogs stinkin and humpin and humpin and stinkin. I took our boys to the little house. Their fixed and had no idea what the hell was going on and started getting a little scared. They are still camped out next door because the poodeles are still going at it every now and again. Disgusting. GK loves his dogs though and say's that's just nature and their just doing their little thing. Nasty.
So things were kind of crazy during the Gerber stay. Different families do things different ways, and for GK who isn't used to being around ANY kind of kids or kaos, it was a real stretch for him. We all surrvived and enjoyed the visit though, and they were on their way home by Sunday afternoon.

Then came Monday.
Gk woke up.
I mean that. GK woke up. Sunday night he was sitting in his chair where he had been for the last three weeks, and using his walker to cautiously manuver every careful step he took.
Monday morning he walked out of his bedroom, standing straight, no walker, no cane. Strong and direct. He was walking around with fast and dilberate steps, bright eyed, clear headed. He put his contacts in, got dressed and told me he was going to town. He would be driving himself. In the Goatwagon.
Panick swept over me.
Here is a man who spent three weeks in the hospital, a week in a nursing home and the last three weeks in the chair fighting pain and high blood pressure.
He was going to town.
There was no stopping him.
He started out slow. A few trips to the neighbors and a spin around the pasture. Then he came in and told me to follow him to town. He was going to have a tire repaired. I loaded the kids up in the wagon. Maddy, who has only been here a little over a week said..."Marilyn, is Grampy supposed to drive"? No I told her, he isn't but he's to big to stop. Have you ever hoped to see a Sherrif? I did. I prayed that maybe a Sherrif would get between us and notice his months expired tabs. No luck.
All we needed was some background music, and it could of been a scene out of a movie. Me and the kids following the old guy to town to make sure he made it alive (and what was I supposed to do if he didn't? Be called as a witness? Yes your Honor, I knew he was driving. No he shouldn't have been driving, but it was ok because I was FOLLOWING him) So we make it to the tire store and he tells me he's fine and to go on home. I did. I didn't want to be a witness. I called Kelly and told her I was panicked and didn't know what to do. She told me not to act like Mom. That was the end of that conversation.
I called Julie and she said there wasn't much I could do. I was able to talk it out and realize there was nothing I could do.
I was worried sick. I was panicked. I was confused. I didn't know what to do. I didn't do anything.
Since then, GK has been driving ALL over. As much as he can, wherever he can, whenever he can. He was out the door by 8:30 this morning. Driving.
Who turned his switch on? What woke him up? Remember that movie with Robert DeNiro Awakenings? That's just what it's like.
Mike got the grey lawn mower that he had fixed up for me going yesterday. It needed a new battery. GK picked one up at Bi-Mart yesterday when he was in town.
You should have seen it...GK mowing the pasture on that old grey rider with the purple butterfly mounted on the grill and the orange farm caution sign on the back. He mowed for hours. We were happy to see him on the rider instead of on the road. Sheep can run faster than pedestrians.
Mike and I took the kids swimming last night. We had soo much fun. I looked pretty dang hot in my new K-Mart clearance blue skirted swim suit. It was great. Not only was I one of the thinnest girls in the pool, I was no doubt one of the prettiest.
I love Oregon City.
Wyatt goes off the diving board now. He got past the Life Guards one time and that was all it took. Now he just acts like he has always been going off the diving board. Duh.
Trust me, he is something to see.
Maddy has been the greatest, and despite our crazy living conditions is having a pretty good time. Between dogs barking their heads off every time they hear a child breathe and all the family being here she has just rolled with it.
A real trooper : )

Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Kelly, Lloyd and the Boys are here.
The poodles are in heat. Gross.
To busy to blog.
See ya in a few days.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Doggy Day of Beauty
I just took Gizmo (the one in the diaper who had a hemorhoid) in to the groomer. His hind end recovered well, although he was a little nerve wracked about being left at the beauty barn alone. He thought the car ride with just the two of us was fun...untill I left him. Then he cried and shook alot. I will post a picture of the new and improved Gizmo as soon as I get him back.
Well, what a weekend.
Mike and Wyatt went North to get Maddy at 4:00a on Saturday morning. Wyatt was so excited to see her, and the fact they were able to stop and see Wendy made it a golden day all around.
Poor Mike, that makes for a long day. When they got home, I couldn't believe how tall Maddy was. Unreal. She is tall and lean and very mature.
Then theres Wyatt.
A cross between a Butter-ball and a Goon-ball.
I guess it's just the difference between boys and girls. As I remember though, Wendy was the same cross as Wyatt. Maybe it's in the genes, and I am just a producer of wierdos.
Yesterday was Fathers day. I know that now. Yesterday was a different story. So was the week leading up to Fathers Day when I would have bought a gift and thoughtful card.
It was kind of ugly, because even when I did remeber it was Fathers Day, Mike didn't hear me say "Happy Fathers Day" and swears to this moment that I didn't. I did.
The kids also had the same lack of etiquette and memory. I'm still not sure who suffered more. Us, or Mike. He did take the kids to the park and fed the ducks and geese and was able to spend some fun time with the KIDS. Isn't that what it's all about? I know, I'm sounding insensitive.
I think I should have been born a man or a Jehova's Witness. Holidays, Birthdays, anniversarys, blah blah blah....they just aren't a big deal to me.
I know what your thinking. Marilyn, aren't you the one who throws YOURSELF parties and posts flyers around town for YOUR OWN party????
Well yes, I do, but I am doing it for myself. That's different. I like planning my own surprise partys, but if it were left up to me I would forget to plan someone elses surprise party, because it wasn't about me. Ask my children, I am NOT a good other people party or event person.
Now listen. I think it takes a VERY big person to admit this about themselves. I am aware of my own self-involvement and am the first to admit it. On the other hand, I also feel like I am a very appreciative person and will be the first to call just to say I'm thinking about you. For no reason at all. I prefer to tell people how I feel about them when the mood strikes and the time is right as opposed to when the Hallmark people say I should. See?
It may also have something to do with the fact that I am HORRIBLE about remembering dates.
Anywho, it doesn't matter. I blew Fathers Day and I feel really bad about it. But it's like I told Mike, he will remember this Fathers Day above all others because I forgot it. Isn't that the whole point? To have a memorable day? I thought so.
GK has been feeling pretty good. No more foot or knee pain : ) Either the prednisone kicked in or the lasix is working. Either way, he feels better. Still having some blood pressure problems, but the doctor is working on it. He is getting his exercise by having to go to the bathroom so often, but the doesn't seem to mind.
So that's the weekend wrap-up.
See ya.
Well, what a weekend.
Mike and Wyatt went North to get Maddy at 4:00a on Saturday morning. Wyatt was so excited to see her, and the fact they were able to stop and see Wendy made it a golden day all around.
Poor Mike, that makes for a long day. When they got home, I couldn't believe how tall Maddy was. Unreal. She is tall and lean and very mature.
Then theres Wyatt.
A cross between a Butter-ball and a Goon-ball.
I guess it's just the difference between boys and girls. As I remember though, Wendy was the same cross as Wyatt. Maybe it's in the genes, and I am just a producer of wierdos.
Yesterday was Fathers day. I know that now. Yesterday was a different story. So was the week leading up to Fathers Day when I would have bought a gift and thoughtful card.
It was kind of ugly, because even when I did remeber it was Fathers Day, Mike didn't hear me say "Happy Fathers Day" and swears to this moment that I didn't. I did.
The kids also had the same lack of etiquette and memory. I'm still not sure who suffered more. Us, or Mike. He did take the kids to the park and fed the ducks and geese and was able to spend some fun time with the KIDS. Isn't that what it's all about? I know, I'm sounding insensitive.
I think I should have been born a man or a Jehova's Witness. Holidays, Birthdays, anniversarys, blah blah blah....they just aren't a big deal to me.
I know what your thinking. Marilyn, aren't you the one who throws YOURSELF parties and posts flyers around town for YOUR OWN party????
Well yes, I do, but I am doing it for myself. That's different. I like planning my own surprise partys, but if it were left up to me I would forget to plan someone elses surprise party, because it wasn't about me. Ask my children, I am NOT a good other people party or event person.
Now listen. I think it takes a VERY big person to admit this about themselves. I am aware of my own self-involvement and am the first to admit it. On the other hand, I also feel like I am a very appreciative person and will be the first to call just to say I'm thinking about you. For no reason at all. I prefer to tell people how I feel about them when the mood strikes and the time is right as opposed to when the Hallmark people say I should. See?
It may also have something to do with the fact that I am HORRIBLE about remembering dates.
Anywho, it doesn't matter. I blew Fathers Day and I feel really bad about it. But it's like I told Mike, he will remember this Fathers Day above all others because I forgot it. Isn't that the whole point? To have a memorable day? I thought so.
GK has been feeling pretty good. No more foot or knee pain : ) Either the prednisone kicked in or the lasix is working. Either way, he feels better. Still having some blood pressure problems, but the doctor is working on it. He is getting his exercise by having to go to the bathroom so often, but the doesn't seem to mind.
So that's the weekend wrap-up.
See ya.
Friday, June 15, 2007
Dr. Day
I'm kind of tired. We were up at 3:ish this morning. Gk got up and didn't want to hang out alone so we watched some t.v and dozed until the sun came up : )
He had a doctor apt at 12:40. That went really well except for the point when the Doctor asked him why he didn't go into the Hospital for his high blood pressure yesterday. Gk pointed at me and said, "well doc, you know I don't drive much any more, she must have forgot". Ya, sure I did. He wouldn't go. Lucky for me the doctor knew better and just gave GK the stink eye I know your lyin' look and moved on. So, he put him on a diuretic to reduce the swelling in his ankles and feet and bring down his blood pressure.
Then we came home and I got to watch General Hospital and see how the lawn mower Mike fixed up for me (I'll take a picture) turned out.
Then it was time to go back to town for his x-ray and MRI.
Gk has to take "prescription relaxation" to deal with the "tube".
To say the least he is entertaining when medicated.
On the way home in the car, he found a half eaten package of cotton candy pop rocks. He finished off the whole package and was left wanting more. Pretty funny to see your doped up Grampy chomping on pop rocks smelling of cotton candy saying..."say, these are pretty good. Think we can get some more of these somewhere"?
So right now, he's heading farther out into left field. The medication takes six to eight hours to wear off. He just sent Mike to town to pick up a half carton of cigerettes. He hasn't smoked in over twenty years ; )
I think Mike will more than likley just come home with some burgers and fries.
See Ya!
He had a doctor apt at 12:40. That went really well except for the point when the Doctor asked him why he didn't go into the Hospital for his high blood pressure yesterday. Gk pointed at me and said, "well doc, you know I don't drive much any more, she must have forgot". Ya, sure I did. He wouldn't go. Lucky for me the doctor knew better and just gave GK the stink eye I know your lyin' look and moved on. So, he put him on a diuretic to reduce the swelling in his ankles and feet and bring down his blood pressure.
Then we came home and I got to watch General Hospital and see how the lawn mower Mike fixed up for me (I'll take a picture) turned out.
Then it was time to go back to town for his x-ray and MRI.
Gk has to take "prescription relaxation" to deal with the "tube".
To say the least he is entertaining when medicated.
On the way home in the car, he found a half eaten package of cotton candy pop rocks. He finished off the whole package and was left wanting more. Pretty funny to see your doped up Grampy chomping on pop rocks smelling of cotton candy saying..."say, these are pretty good. Think we can get some more of these somewhere"?
So right now, he's heading farther out into left field. The medication takes six to eight hours to wear off. He just sent Mike to town to pick up a half carton of cigerettes. He hasn't smoked in over twenty years ; )
I think Mike will more than likley just come home with some burgers and fries.
See Ya!
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Today has been one of those days.
Kind of stressed..
It has been one of those days that when you think everything is fianally ok you find out that your dog has a hemorhoid and his ass is bleeding a little bit and you have to give him a bath and a Preperation H suppository and make a diaper out of your sons old underpants, a cut up maxi-pad and some packaging tape.
One of those days..
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
I bet you thought this was going to be about me and my teeth huh? Well, you were wrong.
Yesterday I made GK and Wyatt corn dogs for lunch (deep fried, not baked, mmmmm) and GK forgot there was a stick in the dog. He bit down and loosend his bottom front tooth. : ( He said it didn't hurt and he could wiggle it with his tongue or really get a good back and forth with his finger. I told him to be careful, no blood on the rug. It was decided that the best thing to do was go to the dentist. I called and they were able to get him in right after general Hospital. Perfect timing.
We got there and he went back in the room and just a few minutes later Dr Doug came out and said it needed to be pulled.
It needed to be pulled, but he couldn't do it. He needed to see an Oral Surgeon. Ok, call one. He did. So up the street we went to have his tooth yarded out. Easy sneezy. GK said it didn't bother him a bit. Me, I would of been a blubbering puddle on the floor.
Gk says it's not so bad because now he has a good spot for a straw when he drinks a soda : )
I went in this morning to have my tooth done. With valium and gas, the expierence wasn't so bad. I had to lie about taking the valium, because Dr. Doug said I couldn't have both. I decided what he doesn't know can't hurt him, and obviously it didn't hurt me either. I have to go BACK in two weeks to have the real tooth put on. That's what I thought I was going in for today. Wrong.
Today I just got another temp tooth while the lab makes the "real" tooth. Whatever.

Want to hear somethng gross?
Yesterday Mike trimmed back a big hawthorne bush and got a "thorn" in his knee. He kept working and cutting for another hour or so and just ignored the thorn utill he came inside. He sat down with a pair of tweezers to pull it out........it was shoved in all the way to the fat end of the thorn and when the tweezers slipped off it sounded like pulling on a chicken bone.
Gross. It was about an inch long and pointy and GROSS. When he got it out, it bled like a mother for a long time. He put a bunch of Bactine on it so it won't get infected. If it does get infected, I'll for sure take a picture.
Yesterday I made GK and Wyatt corn dogs for lunch (deep fried, not baked, mmmmm) and GK forgot there was a stick in the dog. He bit down and loosend his bottom front tooth. : ( He said it didn't hurt and he could wiggle it with his tongue or really get a good back and forth with his finger. I told him to be careful, no blood on the rug. It was decided that the best thing to do was go to the dentist. I called and they were able to get him in right after general Hospital. Perfect timing.
We got there and he went back in the room and just a few minutes later Dr Doug came out and said it needed to be pulled.
It needed to be pulled, but he couldn't do it. He needed to see an Oral Surgeon. Ok, call one. He did. So up the street we went to have his tooth yarded out. Easy sneezy. GK said it didn't bother him a bit. Me, I would of been a blubbering puddle on the floor.
Gk says it's not so bad because now he has a good spot for a straw when he drinks a soda : )
I went in this morning to have my tooth done. With valium and gas, the expierence wasn't so bad. I had to lie about taking the valium, because Dr. Doug said I couldn't have both. I decided what he doesn't know can't hurt him, and obviously it didn't hurt me either. I have to go BACK in two weeks to have the real tooth put on. That's what I thought I was going in for today. Wrong.
Today I just got another temp tooth while the lab makes the "real" tooth. Whatever.
Want to hear somethng gross?
Yesterday Mike trimmed back a big hawthorne bush and got a "thorn" in his knee. He kept working and cutting for another hour or so and just ignored the thorn utill he came inside. He sat down with a pair of tweezers to pull it out........it was shoved in all the way to the fat end of the thorn and when the tweezers slipped off it sounded like pulling on a chicken bone.
Gross. It was about an inch long and pointy and GROSS. When he got it out, it bled like a mother for a long time. He put a bunch of Bactine on it so it won't get infected. If it does get infected, I'll for sure take a picture.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Heres my idea.
I'm going to make soap.
I'm going to learn how to make it and then give it to everyone I know and then they will tell everyone they know how great the soap is and then they will want some too.
I'm going to make it in the little house because I have a big stove over there and I can smell the place up and it won't bother anyone.
I'm not going to make stinky hippy soap, I'm going to make cool soap. I think I'll make soap that smells like food.
Or at least soap that smells fun. I think I'll make soap with stuff inside too. Surprise soap. So say your my friend and you like cats. I would put a little cat inside your soap. Good idea huh.
If I'm good at making soap and ever go into business I will call my business "Bubbles".
Enough about me.
Gk is still having a bad time. Yesterday we went to pick up a new prescription for pain. It isn't working. I think it's pretty heavy duty stuff, but it just isn't working. Friday he goes in for an MRI, but what about until then? He has been in constant pain for almost two weeks. I just don't understand why it has to be that way.
The physical therapist was here today, and even he said he can't come back until the pain is controlled and they find out what is causing it.
I think I will call the Doctor again.
I'm not sick anymore.
Tomorrow my tooth will be fixed.
I'm going to make soap.
I'm going to learn how to make it and then give it to everyone I know and then they will tell everyone they know how great the soap is and then they will want some too.
I'm going to make it in the little house because I have a big stove over there and I can smell the place up and it won't bother anyone.
I'm not going to make stinky hippy soap, I'm going to make cool soap. I think I'll make soap that smells like food.
Or at least soap that smells fun. I think I'll make soap with stuff inside too. Surprise soap. So say your my friend and you like cats. I would put a little cat inside your soap. Good idea huh.
If I'm good at making soap and ever go into business I will call my business "Bubbles".
Enough about me.
Gk is still having a bad time. Yesterday we went to pick up a new prescription for pain. It isn't working. I think it's pretty heavy duty stuff, but it just isn't working. Friday he goes in for an MRI, but what about until then? He has been in constant pain for almost two weeks. I just don't understand why it has to be that way.
The physical therapist was here today, and even he said he can't come back until the pain is controlled and they find out what is causing it.
I think I will call the Doctor again.
I'm not sick anymore.
Tomorrow my tooth will be fixed.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Say Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
My temp filling just fell out.
I'm going to the dentist at 8:00am Wednesday.
Here's a picture of the piece that fell out.

Here's a picture of where it used to be.
My temp filling just fell out.
I'm going to the dentist at 8:00am Wednesday.
Here's a picture of the piece that fell out.
Here's a picture of where it used to be.
Oogy Deux
I don't understand. I am still feeling like crap. Anyone have any ideas? Advil seems to be the only thing that helps, and I have pretty much given up the idea of ever eating again. Last night I was feeling better and thought I could handle some baked chicken and green salad. Wrong. I was in HORRIBLE pain untill about 1:30 this morning. Remember last Tuesday I thought it was nerves because I had the dentist apt. Wrong.
So it seemed as though I had just gone to sleep when I hear GK's walker rollin down the hall. For a minute I thought I was dreaming, but then I remembered this happening last week. He got to my door, peered his head around and said..."hey Marilyn, you awake"? I roll over and he say's..."I just didn't know but if maybe you wanted to wake up". I look over and say..."oh my gosh, yes, I'm really glad you checked on me. Oh look, it's almost 5:00, I might have slept all day". He say's, "well that's why I thought I would check on you, I didn't know if you wanted to get up or not, I just thought I'd check. But say listen, since your up, you want some coffee"? So we begin our day.
It sounds like I'm complaining, but I'm not. I love the time with him, and think I'm blessed with every minute of it. I just wish the minutes would start a little later in the morning : )
GK has been in terrible pain for the last two weeks. His ankles and right knee hurt him so bad he can hardly stand, let alone walk. The Doc put him on prednisone, but as of yet, no results. His ankles swell so bad that his skin get's shiny like turtle wax on a hot day. The vicodin barely seems to help unless he takes two every three hours. He can't take anything else, because he has really bad side effects from so many things. We try ice, elevation, and nothing seems to help.
I feel so bad for him : (
Ok, the doctors office just called. They are going to call back again later. The Doctor thinks maybe GK should go in for an MRI. That involves a little "Mothers Little Helper". GK has issues with the "tube"
Why is there an "an" before MRI? I thought there was only an "an" before words that started with an "a" or an "e" or an "i".
I'm sure I'm wrong. Or dumb, could be either one.
Think about it...you would be "an" idiot, not "an" moron. You would be "a" moron.
Great, now my mind has wandered to a place that's hard to back out of. No "you" turns. Do not pass.
Dogs are barking, gotta go
So it seemed as though I had just gone to sleep when I hear GK's walker rollin down the hall. For a minute I thought I was dreaming, but then I remembered this happening last week. He got to my door, peered his head around and said..."hey Marilyn, you awake"? I roll over and he say's..."I just didn't know but if maybe you wanted to wake up". I look over and say..."oh my gosh, yes, I'm really glad you checked on me. Oh look, it's almost 5:00, I might have slept all day". He say's, "well that's why I thought I would check on you, I didn't know if you wanted to get up or not, I just thought I'd check. But say listen, since your up, you want some coffee"? So we begin our day.
It sounds like I'm complaining, but I'm not. I love the time with him, and think I'm blessed with every minute of it. I just wish the minutes would start a little later in the morning : )
GK has been in terrible pain for the last two weeks. His ankles and right knee hurt him so bad he can hardly stand, let alone walk. The Doc put him on prednisone, but as of yet, no results. His ankles swell so bad that his skin get's shiny like turtle wax on a hot day. The vicodin barely seems to help unless he takes two every three hours. He can't take anything else, because he has really bad side effects from so many things. We try ice, elevation, and nothing seems to help.
I feel so bad for him : (
Ok, the doctors office just called. They are going to call back again later. The Doctor thinks maybe GK should go in for an MRI. That involves a little "Mothers Little Helper". GK has issues with the "tube"
Why is there an "an" before MRI? I thought there was only an "an" before words that started with an "a" or an "e" or an "i".
I'm sure I'm wrong. Or dumb, could be either one.
Think about it...you would be "an" idiot, not "an" moron. You would be "a" moron.
Great, now my mind has wandered to a place that's hard to back out of. No "you" turns. Do not pass.
Dogs are barking, gotta go
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Happy Anniversary
Today is the second anniversary of my sixth marriage to the fifth man.
It's hard to believe. It seems like our tenth or more anniversary, and like I was never married to anyone else. Wierd.
Kind of a quiet day around here. GK has been in his bed resting most of the morning. Wyatt is cleaning his room, and Mike went to run some errends in town.
GK's legs and knee's are really hurting him. Pain pills and prednisone don't seem to help much. I feel so bad for him. I am going to call the doctor first thing in the morning and tell him they need to come up with something better. I can't imagine there isn't something else that will relieve the pain.
Kelly made it to Bellingham with the boys. They are going to Log Show today, and Lloyd will be in late tonight or early morning tomorrow. From Bellingham I think they will go to the Island to see the Carlsons, and then down here for a visit and then home. I bet Lloyd will be happy to be home.
GK's up.
Gotta go.
Happy Anniversary Mike ; )
Friday, June 8, 2007
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Bad Tooth
I should be doing dishes. I think I'll do this instead. If I sit here and look intent on something, maybe everyone will think I'm doing banking or something. I'll be sure to let out a heavy sigh every now and again.
I had a crappy day today.
I had a dentist apt at 12:00. I woke up sick and it just got worse. It was so bad, I had "back sweat". I don't know if that's something only fat people get or if it happens to everyone who's losing their mind. As it got closer to the time to leave, the sicker I got. My Mom showed up at about 11:00 to drive me to town. They told me I would need a driver. We got half way there and had to turn around and come home so I could swallow some more stomache medicine. I was hoping she would just tell me to call and cancel. Everyone knows my Mother doesn't have a lot of tolerance. I think maybe she was getting some sick satisfaction from my misery....you know, like maybe she considered it payback for when I was a pain in the ass in 1983. Anywho, lucky for me I had written down the apt time wrong and I was already to late. Bummer.
Ok, so I have to go pick up another round of anti-biotics (the third) and go back in on the 18th. They also prescribed Valium. Quite a bit of it. I am to start taking it the night before my apt.
Gk is doing pretty good today. He is still having really bad swelling in his ankles and pain in his feet and knees. He is on his third day of prednisone and not noticing much of a difference yet. A physical therapist came to the house yesterday and will be back tomorrow. I don't know how PT will help with the swelling, he needs to just put his feet up. Try telling him that. I mean he knows, it's just getting him to do it.
Tomorrow afternoon we go in for his Lupron shot. That's the hormone shot for his cancer. It cost's a thousand dollars, so after he gets it we all joke around about GK and his "Golden Ass".
I made him and Wyatt sack lunches today to have while I was gone. Wyatt ended up going with us and GK ate most of his before I left. He is steadily gaining, when he got home his weight was downt to 171, now he's at 187. Still my goal weight, but great for him. He still has ten or so to go, but he's getting there.
Wyatt had his first day of summer vacation today. He cleaned his room. Did you see it on his blog yesterday? It looked like my room before I married Mike : )
He spent quite a bit of time in the pasture tonight looking at the dead sheep. It's been dead for almost a month now, so it looks more like a sheep skin rug with a skull that stinks. He thinks it's pretty cool.
I really need to go do the dishes now.
See Ya
I had a crappy day today.
I had a dentist apt at 12:00. I woke up sick and it just got worse. It was so bad, I had "back sweat". I don't know if that's something only fat people get or if it happens to everyone who's losing their mind. As it got closer to the time to leave, the sicker I got. My Mom showed up at about 11:00 to drive me to town. They told me I would need a driver. We got half way there and had to turn around and come home so I could swallow some more stomache medicine. I was hoping she would just tell me to call and cancel. Everyone knows my Mother doesn't have a lot of tolerance. I think maybe she was getting some sick satisfaction from my misery....you know, like maybe she considered it payback for when I was a pain in the ass in 1983. Anywho, lucky for me I had written down the apt time wrong and I was already to late. Bummer.
Ok, so I have to go pick up another round of anti-biotics (the third) and go back in on the 18th. They also prescribed Valium. Quite a bit of it. I am to start taking it the night before my apt.
Gk is doing pretty good today. He is still having really bad swelling in his ankles and pain in his feet and knees. He is on his third day of prednisone and not noticing much of a difference yet. A physical therapist came to the house yesterday and will be back tomorrow. I don't know how PT will help with the swelling, he needs to just put his feet up. Try telling him that. I mean he knows, it's just getting him to do it.
Tomorrow afternoon we go in for his Lupron shot. That's the hormone shot for his cancer. It cost's a thousand dollars, so after he gets it we all joke around about GK and his "Golden Ass".
I made him and Wyatt sack lunches today to have while I was gone. Wyatt ended up going with us and GK ate most of his before I left. He is steadily gaining, when he got home his weight was downt to 171, now he's at 187. Still my goal weight, but great for him. He still has ten or so to go, but he's getting there.
Wyatt had his first day of summer vacation today. He cleaned his room. Did you see it on his blog yesterday? It looked like my room before I married Mike : )
He spent quite a bit of time in the pasture tonight looking at the dead sheep. It's been dead for almost a month now, so it looks more like a sheep skin rug with a skull that stinks. He thinks it's pretty cool.
I really need to go do the dishes now.
See Ya
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
New Blood
Wow. Busy two days.
Yesterday we got Wyatt off to school and took the dogs (poodles) in to the groomer. When we got home, GK's ankles were swollen and KILLING him. We called the doctor and made an apointment. We had to go all the way across town to get to his Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday office. We had to use a wheelchair to get in the buuilding and up to his office. The doctor got a look at him and thinks it may have to do with his heart problems, the swelling anyway. He can't take a diuretic to take the fluid off though because his kidneys are still to dehydrated from the last round. Then there's the pain....it is so bad, it hurts just to stand .
So, Prednisone.
It has it's oogy side effects, but I guess it's better than the alternative.
So we head home, stop in the pharmacy only to find out nothing has been called in yet.
Go get the dogs.
Thats way the other way out.
We get the dogs and the groomer tells us the little one has a bad eye and needs to go to the vet.
We get home, call the vet and they say eye problems are bad news and we need to come in asap. We go in to the vet's office and sit and wait for an HOUR with half the dogs in the county. Stinky.
The vet looks at her eye and thinks she may been poked by grass or something outside. By this time the smell was gagging me and when I mentioned it, she said she should maybe check Ashley's anal glands. Sweet JESUS! Not the anal glands. Don't even SAY anal glands when I'm already so close to gagging. But not only did she say it, she did it. Gross.
Lucky for me, Ashley was not having any anal gland malfunctions.
Ok, so now we head to town to pick up GK's medicine and then home for dinner. I bbq'd burgers and they turned out really good. I was tired and GK was still hurting really bad and Mike had to get up at butt:crack o'clock to haul groceries to the coast today, so we all went to bed early.
We went in for a blood transfusion today. GK's legs and feet still killing him. He started the prednisone this morning, but it will take a day or two to kick in. We had to go to the lab first and then into day surgery where they have nice chairs and tv's set up. The transfusion takes between four to six hours. Once they got the blood going, I went to get the tabs for my car.
The DMV looks like Ellis Island.
Give us your poor, your tired and your taco's.
Good Lord.
I was there forever.
Then I went to Mom's to drop off her doggy playpen she forgot here last week. I got to see her new furniture and all her new landscaping.
She made me a little something to eat as I was suffering from low blood sugar.
Then I came home to get GK's med list that no one told me I would need. That's when I got the e.mail from Kate telling me the Texas Jackass was losing his house. My day suddenly got better. : )
As I started back to town I drove past a flat cat on the road. It was ours. I got kinda sick.
By the time I got back to the hospital with some Oreos (by the way, that was the name of our newly flattened cat)
and a coke for GK, General Hospital was on.
We sat there in the hospital, eating cookies, drinking coke-a-cola watching GH.
Life is good when your spending time with a friend.
By the time we got home, the flat cat had been removed from the road. That's a good thing.
It turns out, Wyatt got home from school early today, but "enjoyed the time to himself".
I asked how the kittens were and he said fine, Oreo and the kittens were upstairs sleeping.
I said "what"
He said..."Oreo and the kittens are upstairs sleeping"
I said...."No, Oreo got hit by a car"
He gave me the retard look and told me to go upstairs and see for myself.
Oreo and the kittens were upstairs sleeping.
I'm going to go start dinner.
Maybe later I'll go upstairs and play with the kittens and their Mother.
Yesterday we got Wyatt off to school and took the dogs (poodles) in to the groomer. When we got home, GK's ankles were swollen and KILLING him. We called the doctor and made an apointment. We had to go all the way across town to get to his Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday office. We had to use a wheelchair to get in the buuilding and up to his office. The doctor got a look at him and thinks it may have to do with his heart problems, the swelling anyway. He can't take a diuretic to take the fluid off though because his kidneys are still to dehydrated from the last round. Then there's the pain....it is so bad, it hurts just to stand .
So, Prednisone.
It has it's oogy side effects, but I guess it's better than the alternative.
So we head home, stop in the pharmacy only to find out nothing has been called in yet.
Go get the dogs.
Thats way the other way out.
We get the dogs and the groomer tells us the little one has a bad eye and needs to go to the vet.
We get home, call the vet and they say eye problems are bad news and we need to come in asap. We go in to the vet's office and sit and wait for an HOUR with half the dogs in the county. Stinky.
The vet looks at her eye and thinks she may been poked by grass or something outside. By this time the smell was gagging me and when I mentioned it, she said she should maybe check Ashley's anal glands. Sweet JESUS! Not the anal glands. Don't even SAY anal glands when I'm already so close to gagging. But not only did she say it, she did it. Gross.
Lucky for me, Ashley was not having any anal gland malfunctions.
Ok, so now we head to town to pick up GK's medicine and then home for dinner. I bbq'd burgers and they turned out really good. I was tired and GK was still hurting really bad and Mike had to get up at butt:crack o'clock to haul groceries to the coast today, so we all went to bed early.
We went in for a blood transfusion today. GK's legs and feet still killing him. He started the prednisone this morning, but it will take a day or two to kick in. We had to go to the lab first and then into day surgery where they have nice chairs and tv's set up. The transfusion takes between four to six hours. Once they got the blood going, I went to get the tabs for my car.
The DMV looks like Ellis Island.
Give us your poor, your tired and your taco's.
Good Lord.
I was there forever.
Then I went to Mom's to drop off her doggy playpen she forgot here last week. I got to see her new furniture and all her new landscaping.
She made me a little something to eat as I was suffering from low blood sugar.
Then I came home to get GK's med list that no one told me I would need. That's when I got the e.mail from Kate telling me the Texas Jackass was losing his house. My day suddenly got better. : )
As I started back to town I drove past a flat cat on the road. It was ours. I got kinda sick.
By the time I got back to the hospital with some Oreos (by the way, that was the name of our newly flattened cat)
and a coke for GK, General Hospital was on.
We sat there in the hospital, eating cookies, drinking coke-a-cola watching GH.
Life is good when your spending time with a friend.
By the time we got home, the flat cat had been removed from the road. That's a good thing.
It turns out, Wyatt got home from school early today, but "enjoyed the time to himself".
I asked how the kittens were and he said fine, Oreo and the kittens were upstairs sleeping.
I said "what"
He said..."Oreo and the kittens are upstairs sleeping"
I said...."No, Oreo got hit by a car"
He gave me the retard look and told me to go upstairs and see for myself.
Oreo and the kittens were upstairs sleeping.
I'm going to go start dinner.
Maybe later I'll go upstairs and play with the kittens and their Mother.
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Sunday Evening
Well, another weekend on the Ranch winds to an end. The weather has cooled and the wind is starting to blow.
We had another busy day today, with John over finishing the floor this morning, Mike cleaning the garage and I cleaned the little house. Mike also took the old screen in the door in to be fixed and did some finish up grocery shopping in town. The little house is a nightmare. So much stuff and nowhere to put it. GK really wants to rent it out, but first we have to empty it and have the roof repaired. We showed it to two couples today. The top two. I didn't care for either of them. The first couple was really pushy. More like they were buying the farm instead of renting the house. Nope.
The other couple was young, and she has a roomate with two kids and he has a kid from another woman that he has on weekends.
I think I will try and talk GK into waiting until the roof is finished to pursue renters.
We had bbq porkchops with a fresh green salad (spun dry), scalloped spuds and corn for dinner. Yum.
I need to get GK's ice cream ready and Wyatt out of the tub.
Soprano's tonight, school in the morning.
We had another busy day today, with John over finishing the floor this morning, Mike cleaning the garage and I cleaned the little house. Mike also took the old screen in the door in to be fixed and did some finish up grocery shopping in town. The little house is a nightmare. So much stuff and nowhere to put it. GK really wants to rent it out, but first we have to empty it and have the roof repaired. We showed it to two couples today. The top two. I didn't care for either of them. The first couple was really pushy. More like they were buying the farm instead of renting the house. Nope.
The other couple was young, and she has a roomate with two kids and he has a kid from another woman that he has on weekends.
I think I will try and talk GK into waiting until the roof is finished to pursue renters.
We had bbq porkchops with a fresh green salad (spun dry), scalloped spuds and corn for dinner. Yum.
I need to get GK's ice cream ready and Wyatt out of the tub.
Soprano's tonight, school in the morning.
Saturday, June 2, 2007
Some Like it Hot
I am so flippin hot, I don't know how I'm going to make it through the summer. I think I need to buy a bikini at K-Mart tomorrow. I could just walk around the house in a bikini top and a sarong. Not a thong...sarong. Maybe not. GK is still recovering from a heart episode, I don't want to throw him into another. Could you imagine....what seemed to be the cause of Mr.Fahrenholz's stress? Well you see Doc, it was hot outside so I decided to put my bikini on. My Grampy got one look, threw up a little in his mouth, and that was it. The big one. I can't carry that kind of bikini burden.
We had a very busy day today. It started early when John came to finish the floor. I was making waffles, GK was eating waffles and John was contemplating the state of the floor. Molding. The floor has been finished for quite a while, GK has just been waiting for John to "finish" the finish work. Things were looking good, like it may just get done. There was a problem with the liquid nails. They didn't hold. So maybe tomorrow he will "finish" the finish work. Mike went and bought a differt kind of liquid nails for him. Cross your fingers.
Mike went to license the wagon. He passed DEQ and raced to DMV, but couldn't get the tabs because I had to sign for them. Dumb huh? I will go get them Monday.
While he was gone I cleaned 84 chicken eggs to take to my Mother to sell in her apartment complex. She already has buyers lined up, and for a couple bucks a dozen that will buy our feed.
Then we went to K-Mart and bought a salad spinner because Julie said EVERYONE needs a salad spinner. Now I have one.
Then we went to Costco and stocked up like Mormans. No offense Lindy, Mormans are prepared for anything.
Then we went to Target to buy bags for the seal a meal to save everything we bought.
Then we went to Home Depot and bought a tomatoe plant.
Then we went to Albertsons and got GK's medicine and some salad dressing to put atop ournewly soon to be dried salad.
Then we went to Blockbuster and got The Good Shepard and some Wallace and Gromit.
Then we came home.
Then we went to the Pink Feather for prime rib, Gk's treat.
Pretty nice.
I think the 80 year old waitress had her eye on GK.
Then Wyatt and I played ball in the yard and did his video blog.
Such a nice day.....only to end with a call from Jackass in Texas.
I think were done with him. I ended the call by telling him that from now on I only wish to speak with his attorney.
Since he hasn't worked for over three months and leads us to believe he wipes his ass with pages from the sears catolog because he's to broke to buy toilet paper, it may be awhile before we make contact.
Wyatt has business on the computer and I have a reservation in the smoking section on the deck.
See ya tomorrow
Friday, June 1, 2007
Good Morning
Another beautiful day, maybe not so hot though. That would be a good thing. I am to fat for hot : (
Everyone is feeling good today, except maybe for Wyatt who did NOT want to go to school today. You can see the exchange on his new blog. Never the less he got out the door and on the bus. Shannon is usually a good bargaining tool. No school, no Shannon. He seems to be adjusting well to the new digs upstairs. He plays outside more too. I'm not sure why, but things feel more comfortable now than ever.
Gk is still so happy to be home. He is always commenting on how good the air feels and smells. He loves looking out at the green pastures and thinks of all the things he can do again now that he's home.
He had a nice phone visit with Betty from the Coast last night. I think it put the lid on his normal life. Talking to old friends while sitting in your favorite chair. It doesn't get much better than that.
Kelly called to say she bought her new computer. YEAY! We are all Mac'er's now (Thanks J) and that means when Kelly gets good internet we can all three video chat (prison talk). I can't wait
Gk is getting ready to get in the shower. Doctor day. I'm sure we will be in for another glowing report. I still can't believe how great is doing compared to how bad he was. Unbelievable. Then we'll stop by the eye doctor and have his new glasses adjusted and then swing in to BK for a flame broiled burger. He's been thinking about that since he opened his eyes this morning.
Mom is coming out for dinner tonight, I think she is bringing a bucket of KFC. She has been planning a visit since he came home, but things kept coming up, so tonight's the night.
A lady just called about the little house. Gk wants to fix the roof and rent it starting in July. He wanted me to list it right away so we could have a good spread of people to choose from. I have recieved almost a hundred responses, about twelve good ones and one really really really good one. They will be out tomorrow to check things out. GK is pretty excited.
So, things are moving forward here on the ranch.
Life is good.
Everyone is feeling good today, except maybe for Wyatt who did NOT want to go to school today. You can see the exchange on his new blog. Never the less he got out the door and on the bus. Shannon is usually a good bargaining tool. No school, no Shannon. He seems to be adjusting well to the new digs upstairs. He plays outside more too. I'm not sure why, but things feel more comfortable now than ever.
Gk is still so happy to be home. He is always commenting on how good the air feels and smells. He loves looking out at the green pastures and thinks of all the things he can do again now that he's home.
He had a nice phone visit with Betty from the Coast last night. I think it put the lid on his normal life. Talking to old friends while sitting in your favorite chair. It doesn't get much better than that.
Kelly called to say she bought her new computer. YEAY! We are all Mac'er's now (Thanks J) and that means when Kelly gets good internet we can all three video chat (prison talk). I can't wait
Gk is getting ready to get in the shower. Doctor day. I'm sure we will be in for another glowing report. I still can't believe how great is doing compared to how bad he was. Unbelievable. Then we'll stop by the eye doctor and have his new glasses adjusted and then swing in to BK for a flame broiled burger. He's been thinking about that since he opened his eyes this morning.
Mom is coming out for dinner tonight, I think she is bringing a bucket of KFC. She has been planning a visit since he came home, but things kept coming up, so tonight's the night.
A lady just called about the little house. Gk wants to fix the roof and rent it starting in July. He wanted me to list it right away so we could have a good spread of people to choose from. I have recieved almost a hundred responses, about twelve good ones and one really really really good one. They will be out tomorrow to check things out. GK is pretty excited.
So, things are moving forward here on the ranch.
Life is good.
Wyatt is the new blog
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