Friday, January 27, 2012

Criss Cross Applesauce

Yesterday Six and I went to see our grannyboy and ended up coming home with our three legged granddogger Molly.
She is the most human like dog I have ever known and she loves to come and play at the farm and even though she may only have three legs she gives our black and white boys a run for their money!

A few years ago Molly was hit by a car but managed to crawl home.
The car that hit her didn't stop to help or even look at her tags to notify Wendy and Jesse.
Luckily they were able to get her to the vet in time to save her and let me assure you, losing that leg didn't slow her down a bit.
So last night we had a bed full of dogs, all but Buddy who sleeps in a heap on the floor beside the bed.
We have a king size Craftmatic fully adjustable bed which consists of two twins so I can have my own blankets never tucked and seldom washed and six can have his pristinely made hospital cornered practically starched crisp sheets with fancy laid blankets made every day bed.
Whatever, don't judge, it works.
Barty sleeps in the ditch where the beds meet, Pooter sleeps at the end on feet and last night Molly burrowed under the covers so she could be directly on the heated mattress and snugged in the blankets.
She's no dummy, she went straight for the business of a good nights sleep.
I'll be sad to take her home today, but glad to see my grannyboy!

We have a goose sitting on a stack of eggs in the goat house.
Doesn't it seem early in the year for that?

Here's the Boss of the barnyard keeping on eye on everyone.

And here's a picture of Judy the camera hog getting up close and personal.

I think Judy someone needs to call Jenny... If you get my drift.

Pearl is still in the barnyard. 
So far so good.

Now, for something completely different.
My friend Deb over at Postcards from the Edge did a blog post the other day about family, friends and crossing her legs when she pees.
Deb says she crosses her legs left over right when she pees so today I want to take a poll on how you go.
Do you cross your legs?
Take your shoes off?
Door open door closed?
This topic turned into quite the discussion on Facebook and I bet it would have trended worldwide on Twitter had we taken it to the tweets.
So, let me know, how you go.


  1. I cross my legs when I sneeze so I don't pee myself. When I do get to the bathroom to pee, I DO NOT cross my legs!!!

  2. Yeah... So, when I WANT to pee I don't want to cross my legs and maybe prevent it from happening. ;-)

  3. I know! I tried to talk them into moving in with us, but ohhhhh noooooo, they HAD to stay living in their own apartment.
    What a bunch of creeps.

  4. Me too but I close the door.
    I tried to pee with my legs crossed but I almost fell off the toilet.

  5. The title of this post should have given it away, but I really just thought the animals had learned how to sit Indian style or something. Oh shit, that's not politically correct anymore is it? oh well.

    I don't see what all the hullabaloo is about. It's not different than when you sit on the couch and cross your legs. My pants and panties are just about a tick below my knees. If you all would just try it, just frickin humor me people, then we could let it go.
    That's the plan.

    1. I swear I was just about to the letting go point when Q brought up the panty problem.
      Do you have to take one leg out of your panties?
      The way I see it the pants/panties would have to be around your left, no that still wouldn't work.
      I need a visual.
      A dry run so to speak.

    2. You're not getting one. And I paid more attention to the actual mechanics of it today, because as I said, it's total habit for me so I really didn't know the logistics to be honest. The panties/pants set right ABOVE the knees, not below as I said earlier. And I just cross left leg over right - all prim and proper like - and I don't think there has ever been more discussion of an individuals potty habits, and surely never will be again, then there have been over this topic.
      Have a lovely day :)

  6. Oh how i know that feeling! But if the door is open, there is no curiosity and they stay away :)
