Friday, January 20, 2012

Goose, Goose, Goat

The rain seems to have passed but oh what a rain it was...
The goat was staying close to the geese just in case she needed emergency floatation assistance.

And Bell went in search of higher ground...

All this rain got me to thinking, if things really get bad I think we have two of almost everything. 
We don't have an ark, but we do have a 1987 Suburban (The Goat Wagon) and I think that's close to an ark. 
Isn't it?
Maybe not, but it probably gets about the same mileage.

Six bought Yuban coffee.
I love Yuban.
I forgot how much I love Yuban.
You should buy some Yuban next time you buy coffee, you'll be glad you did.

I've started listening to the radio during the day instead of turning on the T.V.
 It started because they took two of the three stories I watch off the air and so out of personal protest I just turned the T.V off and I find that not only am I more productive, but I'm in a better mood too.
Maybe T.V is dumb and I just never realized it before now.

Wyatt has his first middle school dance tonight.
Have I told you he's shaving now?
He also rolls his eyes and is constantly annoyed.
How did this happen.

I'm making soap tomorrow.
Any scent suggestions?


  1. Our rain seems to be either there is none or we are suddenly flash flooded....why can't Mother Nature give us a little moderation?

    Shaving,wow! That is a milestone! Mine is not shaving yet,probably a good thing since he is 6ft tall.Still having a "baby face" keeps folks from thinking he is older than he is and keeps him out of trouble,lol!

    Have a great soap making day!

    1. I think (hope) are rains have passed, our grass is drowning.

  2. I just love that second picture! I certainly think you're prepared in case of a flood.

  3. SHAVING???? OMG that means mine won't be far behind. I don't think I'm ready for that. Annoyed all the time? Great. Another awesome teenage trait to look forward to... When did my son become embarrassed by me? Is Wy embarrassed by you? Shesh, we used to be best buds and now he can't wait to escape from me.

    1. Kenna Marie Wy is always giving me that "don't let em' know we're related" look. I take it as a personal chalenge :)
      This is why I'm so glad Jesse and Wendy made me a granny baby, it'll be nice to have someone fun to play with again!

  4. Even though i love TV...I listen to the radio during the day. I like talk radio and my ipod.
    What is Yuban coffee? I love coffee, so i am curious

  5. You and me both with the TV. I can't believe those asshats cancelled our shows. I would rather listen to the radio any day of the week as opposed to watch the idiot box.

    Love the pic of Bell heading to higher ground. That's a keeper. lol

    And as for Wyatt...I posted on Facebook the other day that a highlight in my life is embarrassing my kids. It's what I bought them into this world for. Try it, it's free fun.

  6. I thought they were going to continue the shows on line and what's up with Blair, Jon Mc B and Star going to Port Charles?
