Thursday, January 19, 2012

Thursday Morning

The rain here is crazy... While everyone else is having record snowfall, here we are at almost fifty degrees and pouring down rain.
The yard is like a big green sponge.
The llamas slosh when they walk, the chickens are marinated and the pig is about to float out of the pasture
(Pearl is a free range pig).
The geese however are quite content.

My Granny Baby Daddy's surgery went off without a hitch yesterday.
It took an hour and a half, two plates and a pocket full of screws to set him straight, but he was able to leave the hospital the same day and I think he even ate dinner last night.
So that's a huge relief, and I just keep thinking what a story this little man is going to hear someday about the time that he was born ❤

You know how you always hear the the reference to "Mom Blogs" or someone will say "oh yeah, Mary Ellen is a mommy blogger", well I figured it was time to start a new niche, a new club, a new group, or for you with tattoos a new gang of bloggers.
Granny Bloggers.
So I'll go first.
The Granny Ma Blog.
It is there I will gush and go on about my little lovebug.
I'll post so many pictures your eyes will cross, repeat in print the sounds he makes and the amazing things that he does.
I'll post granny baby craft ideas, links to toys I love, and recipes for little belly's.
Do you get the idea?
I think this will really catch on, who's with me?!
And then over here at the farm blog I'll just post about the boring stuff like the rest of my family, my menagerie of large and small animals and anything else I do that doesn't revolve around my new baby love.
Sound good?

Ok, I have a hat or two to make today so I better get busy.


1 comment:

  1. Cute idea. When I become a granny, I'll probably jump on that bandwagon.
