Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Thank God You're Eight

Ok everyone, do you know what today is?
Today is Wyatt's Birthday!!

Do you know what else today is?
The Blogs Birthday!!

So todays post is a repost of the first post that I posted four years ago.

February 16 2007

Today is Wyatt's Birthday, and every year and every birthday for everyone I know I am reminded of the words spoken by a wise old man I used to know.
He would say, "Thank God you're (whatever birthday it is) because I couldn't stand another day with a (fill in the blank) year old."

Here's Wyatt eating a blue popsicle in the yard on his first day of eight.
He says it tastes pretty much the same as when he was seven.

Speaking of birthdays I really need to get my Dad out of the Christmas wrap.
His Birthday is comming up soon so maybe I'll wait till closer to April and then find some nice birthday paper for him.
I'm glad I don't have to think of a gift for him, I have enough on my mind as it is.
We (by we I mean 6) went to the pool last night to check things out.
Wyatt is having a class birthday party there tomorrow.
He said it was a huge room for the party and the pool has one side that is nothing but a wall of windows.
Very cool, I hope it's a great time for everyone.

I just got back from the big house.
Grammy is resting on the couch and GK just got home from town.
He had to have a prescription filled for some "I don't give a shit" pills because he is having an MRI done on Monday night and is a little uncomfortable at the thought of lying still on his back that long.
I don't blame him, I try and spend as little time on my back as possible too.
GK has been having really bad joint pain since yesterday afternoon.
I think it's from the Lupron shot they gave him last week.
He says he's taking his pain pills, but they don't seem to be working.
Maybe a call to Dr. B is in order for something that might work a little better.

Something Funny:
When I took the dogs out this morning, Gizmo ran after the ducks.
The ducks aren't afraid of the dogs, they just stand up and flap their wings at them, but as Gizmo turned to run the other way one of the ducks hunched up his neck and hopped on two feet after him.
As soon as Gizmo turned around to see what was going on, the duck would stop and just stand there and look the other way.
As soon as Gizmo turned again the duck would hop after him.
I think it's a move he learned from the goose.

I have to go get my lunch ready, GH will be on soon and it's Friday.
I can't miss a minute of the action wasting my time making something to eat.
Sony figured out the combination to Alkazars exploding Briefcase that's locked in the vault so hopefully they can free the hostages in exchange for the code.


  1. Happy birthday to your young man, and congrats on the blog's birthday! That is quite the accomplishment.

  2. Birthday blessings to Wyatt and congratulations on your 'Blogiversary'! I'm definitely goingto have to spend some time in the archives and see what I missed!

    I have a Blogiversary coming up too. It'll be five years for A Shepherd's Voice, this coming Saturday. I better get a post put together!


  3. Happy Birthday Wyatt! I did the math and I'm glad you're twelve today.
