I think this is the earliest we have ever ordered chics but for some reason it's already feeling like spring to me.
Although, I seem to recall this happening last year and I ended up with chics in the bathtub for a month, so cross your fingers it stays warm but I'll be picking up another heat lamp for the brooding room just in case.
I ordered two guinea hens.
I know, I know, your thinking to yourself, Marilyn, didn't you sell all your guinea hens two years ago...
Well yes I did.
I had ten or twelve of them because I hate the neighbor that lives down in the ditch so I thought a gaggle of guineas would really piss them off annoy them but karma came and took a bite out of me and my guineas went rogue and just like in the movie Chicken Run they organized and took to roaming the streets and I was forever herding screaming guineas and directing angry drivers around the hens.
So this time I'm sticking with just two.
Next, I ordered two slate turkeys.
Is that a beautiful bird or what!
I have never seen a slate before, but when I was at the Chicken Mans house yesterday there they were and I knew I had to have a pair.
I love going to the Chicken Mans house and if you live in Clackamas County and want any type of bird with the best health guarantee at the best price let me know and I'll hook you up.
C & L Farms.
I also might add that I got my Katahdin sheep from the Chicken Man and he and his wife Laurie even delivered them!
Ok so anyway, I also ordered four muscovies...
Let me tell you something, we LOVE our muscovies.
These are the friendliest ducks and they're also the best bug eatin' fly catchin' egg layinest' birds around.
But, bummer for us, our hen didn't hatch out any chics last year and we lost our drake this winter.
I think Piggy Pearl slept on him because when I went down to feed one morning there was Don laid out cold in Pearls bed and I think Peal may have even had feather prints on her cheek.
So thats it for my bird order.
I didn't get any chickens this year because I have four hens setting right now, so who knows what that will bring.
Either some soft cooked half baked organic eggs or a few little chics, we'll just have to wait and see.
And... if you remember, last year we became an urban rooster rescue taking in all the town roosters.
People would get chics from the feed stores because you can have I think it's ten hens if you live in town, but as soon as those hens start crowing good neighbors go bad and want those early morning alarms out of their neighborhood.
So I answered one add off of Craigslist and somehow word got out that this was the rooster refuge and the boys just kept coming.
I drove in the driveway one day and there was a plastic tub on the porch of the little house with a rooster in it.
Another day we came home to this,
And they're not even roosters!
Ok, so while I have everyones attention I need to tell 6 something.
I may or may not have adopted this guy.
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Homeless Cat |
I was on Craigslist last night looking to see if anyone has found our Pansy who went missing on Sunday and that's all I can say about that or I'll start crying when I saw this guy who looks just like our Astro and he needs a home and they're even the same kind of cat, Turkish Vankedisi, and he even has one blue eye like Astro.
Astro cat |
Really, what kind of cold hearted monster would I be if I didn't do something to help this poor ousted feline in his darkest hour, his time of need, when all he wants is a second chance at happiness.
It's times such as this this that define our character.
So 6, if you're reading this, before you pick up that Blackberry to call home to give me the business, you need to remember this is a defining moment in your life and not many people are given the opportunity to define ones self while driving down the interstate behind the wheel of a Kenworth.
Just Sayin.
Farm Friend Friday
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Verde farm |
Since I don't post on Fridays this will also be my Friday Farm post.
Be sure to check out all the other great farm blogs by clicking HERE
(On Friday)
And if you're new here and had fun, you can get fat bottom farm light on facebook seven day a week!
He's beautiful. Is he deaf? Oh, looked again, no blue eyes.
ReplyDeleteAlthough someone did a job on his ear.
Everyone needs at least one cat. I kept saying that and now we have 4
We had a stray Muscovy the last couple summers; Big Red we called him/her. Came when you called and ate right out of your hand. I'm not big on turkeys but the guinea hens are cute and WTH are those fluffy ones called?? How cute is that?!!
ReplyDeleteI am so not made for farm-living, but I have been trying to talk my husband in to letting me get a goat for YEARS. lol. He keeps saying no. So keep accumulating dogs instead.
ReplyDeleteI can't figure out how to comment. I'll see if it works this time.
ReplyDeleteThe cut ear. It means the cat has been spayed or neutered and is a stray or feral.
Poor pansy.
ReplyDeleteI don't even know where to start...
That anonymous was me..Erin H.
ReplyDeleteI adore your blog, and I'd really love to come hang out with you and meet all your citters someday and send your kiddo off to my place for camp.
ReplyDeleteBUT, birds give me the willies.
I think if I ever came across a big ole turkey like that, I'd faint dead away.
I would love to have a bird man like yours. I need a new guinea hen. Ours died last summer and it broke my heart. We have two boys. I also LOVE our muscovy, they are the best and eat so many flies and bugs. How fun to put in your bird order. I love Homeless Cat and I think it was meant to be :)
ReplyDeleteHave a great weekend--fun post! Thanks for linking up with FF Friday. You can link early anytime--no hard core rules at this party.
Love the birds, they're cool. But you can keep them, any type of "bird" species freaks me out.
ReplyDeleteThe cat is cool!
Sounds like you are going to have quite the variety of birds around your place. I got my first chickens the same way--a whole bunch of roosters that had been dumped in town.
ReplyDeleteYou know guinea hens are notoriously stupid, right? Our neighbors had a bunch of them and they do love to wander the roadways.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, the real reason I posted was to ask why you don't do a blog post on Fridays. Color me curious.
Enjoyed readin your post... I have 5 muscovies and love them too, got them last summer as ducklings, ended up with 2 girls & 3 boys :)
ReplyDeleteI love placing chick orders! The slate turkey is beautiful. Good luck keeping your guinea hens home this time...karma will always get ya ;)
ReplyDeleteYour story about your first Guineas had me laughing ~ so funny. Ours keep us entertained that is for sure.
ReplyDeleteGreat post
No bird ordering for me this year -- I went a little crazy last year and most of them survived -- who knew?
ReplyDeleteWe have magpie, pekin and mallard ducks. Love them all. Guineas can be mean little buggers -- but they are so ugly, they're cute. :)
Have fun with your babies. I'd keep the cat too, only outside. We've got 2 dogs and 2 cats inside already -- oy!