Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Household Repairs

About a year and a half ago we discovered a leak in the pipe in the wall in our big bathroom.

Our big bathroom is similar in size and appearance to the Taj Mahal.
Wall to wall carpet, hanging chandeliers, marble countertops.
You could almost go so far as to say that my Grammy was a delightful woman with an eye for beauty, but she also had mild Liberace tendencies and may have suffered from a slight case of borderline bling disorder.

When we moved into the house I removed the velvet and lace curtains in front of the tub that were draped with faux pearls and hanging crystal and replaced the cut glass sink glasses with corelle.
I also replaced the hand embroidered hand towels with five for a buck washcloths from K-Mart.
Do you see where I'm going here?
The room really felt like there should be an attendant misting you with cologne and handing you a mint.

When we discovered the leak in the pipe we also discovered that it had been leaking for a loooooooooong time and we had no choice but to cut and cap the pipe and remove the carpet.
It was just days before 6 left for Iraq so there was no time to repair and replace anything and you know how things go, even since he's been home we haven't had time or money to restore the room to it's original glory.

So now we have bling gone bad.
The tub water is shut off, the carpet is ripped out, the sub floor has years worth of water damage and the marble counters are encrusted with Crest.

Jump to last Thursday.

Even though we haven't used the tub in over a year, we apparently live dead center in the middle of a modern day dust bowl because the  accumulation of dry dirt is unbelievable and the tub was getting to the point where I could have easily added water and hosted a community mud wrestling rally, so I got out a new bottle of Tilex, put on my fresh air mask and sprayed the tub down.
Fifteen or so minutes later I went in with my boiling teapot to rinse it out.
The drain was clogged.
I got out the bottle of Draino, figured what the hell carefully read the directions, poured a glop the recommended amount in the drain and waited.
I went back a few minutes later and the clog was still there.
So I poured more Draino in and followed it up with some more boiling water.
I waited.
The clog was still there.
I repeated this procedure until I had used the entire bottle of Draino with no success.
You can imagine my frustration.
What could possibly be blocking that drain when we hadn't even used the tub in over a year.
I was going to call 6 but I knew he would just say, "leave it alone until I get home."
Whatever, like I can leave anything alone.
So I sat.
And I thought.
Mostly I did a lot of sitting and I may have played a few turns of Scrabble on facebook, but then, it came to me....
I knew how to fix the clog!
I ran to the bathroom and...
Wait for it....
Here's the handy household tip part...

Let the drain out!

That's all I had to do, release the drain!
You know the little handle thing... I just flipped it down!
I know, I was so proud Of myself for figuring it out and not even having to call 6.

So, if you ever have a problem around the house and need another brainiac to help you figure something out, I'm your go-to girl : )



  1. Think of the money you saved in plumber bills! Yay!

  2. I so wasn't going to say it ... lol

    We had that happen in our bathroom a while back sadly it's our only bathroom so we had to fix it fast. Then since the floor and wall was ripped up my husb and dad decided to totally remodel the bathroom. lol New tub, floor and counters and oh of course a new toilet and sink. UGH
