This week, Wyatt had another chiropractor appointment, we went to Wendy's school so he could get a hair cut, we went shopping for his graduation clothes, Shannon came and spent the day, I demolished our lawn mower, had three new sheep delivered, attended Wyatt's fifth grade graduation and saw Shreck the final chapter. Those are just the highlights. Of course there was laundry, cooking, general cleaning, grocery shopping and facebooking thrown in as well.
When we were at Target picking out clothes for Wyatt, I didn't want to embarrass him by tagging along into the dressing room with him when Shannon was with us. I let on like we were this really cool family who's all laid back and in touch with one another. You know, the kind of family that if the eleven year old kid tells the really cool mom the twenty dollar shorts fit, the cool mom believes him. You know, the kind of family that we really aren't. We're really the kind of family that try's to pull that off and then waits about twenty-eight hours to try on the twenty dollar shorts at home only to find out that the stupid shorts don't fit and then has an all out cuss filled emotional breakdown with only forty-five minutes to get to the Target that's thirty minutes away on a Sunday night before said graduation on Monday morning. Yeah, thats the kind of family we really are. All I can say is it's a good thing I didn't stop for a dry gin martini on the way to Target, I would have never made it there in time. Instead I opted for some boxed wine and a donut when I got home.
Here's another disastrous part of our trip to Target. I bought a blender so I could make blended margaritas coffee and the first time I used it, it leaked ALL over my counters and floor. I figured it was operator error, so I tried it again and it happened again! Stupid blender. I returned it and know I don't know what kind of blender to buy, but I do know one thing, I will NOT buy one of those dumb frappe' maker blenders.
The sheep we got are Katahdins (ka-ta-dins.) They are "hair" sheep instead of wool sheep so they never need to be shorn. I got two pregnant ewes and a ram so before long we will have lambs! Katahdins lamb out of season and are capable of lambing sometimes as often as twice a year and usually produce twins. They are typically a meat breed, but of course that won't be the case here. They also eat blackberry bushes which is a huge plus. Do you know at Fred Meyer the other day I saw blackerry plants for sale! Can you believe that? I could probably make a gagillion dollars as a blackberry farmer.
While mowing the lawn on Saturday I may have hit a little something.
Your "real" family sounds like mine :) Glad everything worked out!
ReplyDeleteIsn't life great!