So Ruby is a four-year old dapple grey Thoroughbred. Bee.U.Ti.Full. She is gentle, good-natured and really just want's to be your friend. Ruby's down fall is she has a genetic hip issue which prevents her from doing the kind of things a big grey mare like her would normally do. Basically she's front wheel drive instead of all wheel drive, but for around here that works just fine. Wyatt has his first lesson this morning so he can start learning the basics and is SO excited : ) He got new boots last night and wore them out of the store with his plaid graduation shorts on. It was an interesting look, kind of Britney Spears meets Pa Kettle kind of look. If I don't watch it, he'll be wearing overalls with no shirt like his Texas PeePa and MeMa. I'm not from the South so I may have just misspelled PeePa and MeMa.
About this trip to the vet... Three years ago the neighbor kept his horses in our upper pasture and they pushed one of the fences over. My Grampy told Chucky he had to get his horses out of there and couldn't bring them back until he fixed the fence. Chucky (who is forty) lives with his Sister (who is fortyish) and his Mother in a falling down shack and keeps his horses in a dirt field. Needless to say, Chucky never fixed the fence. So, I decided I would go over there and make them another offer... Fix and maintain the fence and he can use the pasture. As I turned in the driveway I saw a cat. As I drove in the driveway I saw 1647 cats. It was like a horror movie. Cats e v e r y w h e r e. Long haired cats, short-haired cat, cats with no hair, black cats, white cat, orange cats, big cats, small cats... Well, you get the idea. It was worse than anything I have ever even seen on the Discovery Channel. I guess I don't have to tell you, we left with a kitten. I did not want a kitten. I don't even really like cats. AND, this was the ugliest kitten I had ever seen, it looked like it was made out of leftover kitten parts. Huge orange head, white feet, brown body, black legs, I'm not kidding, she is homely. But of course Wyatt had to have her, and of course I can't say no. On the ride home I made Wyatt wrap her up in a towel and hold her away from his body. She had black crusties in her nose, green glue junk oozing from her eyes... Ugh, I just threw up in my mouth a little. As soon as we got her home I washed her and called for a vet appointment. She had to sleep in the dog crate that night because I was pretty sure she had lice. And she did. The Vet said she had never even seen feline lice, but assured us it was not transferable to people or dogs. So now our "free" kitten Pansy is all fixed up. She's on antibiotics, flea meds, and some other crazy stuff, eating real food and sleeping on a soft bed with a boy. Sometimes a girl just gets lucky. It still makes my stomach oogy every time I think about the other 1646 cats up there, oh wait, LeeAnn, Wyatt's friend went back and got two kittens so there's only 1644 cats left, so that's better. Not.
Don't forget to leave me a comment here, on facebook or in an email ** with your green tips... You could win some green stuff that isn't money!
I love to read your blog, I really look forward to it. I would love to share it with my daughter but when I read it, I picture my daughters face writing it, she will be just like you some day. Has Kenna ever told you about the "Friends of all Animals" lady on the bike? Ask her about it, hee hee. Anyway, Nina will have one of each someday too. I decided not to let her read it beause you might have unwanted guests every day this summer if I do and it's a pretty long drive from here so, no way! Your welcome.
ps, that is the cutest calico kitty ever!
Hi y'all! I love reading your blog as well. It's awesome and I can't wait to come and help out the farm. OMG Erin, I haven't thought of "The Friend of All Animals" lady in 20 years probably. I better go buy some overalls so I'll fit in over there...
ReplyDeleteErin, thats too funny! trust me, I have been like this all my life... Neither of my kids have ever had to worry about me saying no to a stray, and with 6 out of the Country I have nobody to keep me in check!
ReplyDeleteP.s, I know your kidding about the cat : )
Kenna! I am SO excited to see you! Just make sure you keep a shirt on under the overalls!
ReplyDeleteI also enjoy reading your blog. I agree with Erin, she is a little cutie. She reminds me of the Cheshire Cat (I just finished reading Alice in Wonderland). Sometimes it takes a special kitty to convert a non cat person over, maybe this little gal is the one to do it. Those rescue cats so be so grateful that they are real love bugs.
ReplyDeleteSo what is the green stuff? Kitty eye goo?
I hope this post does not show twice. I typed the first one them dumped a cup of green tea on the key board and it disapeared, better than the last dump of red wine (makes the keys stick). Especially when they are filled with cat hair.
Well now I know what is the better liquid to spill on the keyboard! I wonder what gin does to a keyboard...
ReplyDeleteBelieve it or not, the homely little spare parts kitty is really starting to grow on me AND the black and white dogs : )
And whatever the green eye boog is seems to respond to antibiotics, and is already gone (thank gawd)
You are right, that is one ugly cat. Maybe love will make her grow into her beauty.
ReplyDeleteI remember rescuing a kitten from a place like that once. Paul III and Roland were little. It was after the car accident that put Roland in the wheelchair for life. Paul II was in Alaska and Paul 1 was "away". Susan, the boys and I were living together and they wanted a kitten. Oh, what a terrible horrible place. The kitten was a beautiful black andwhite kitten that grew up to be very beautiful. Hadn't thought about that until reading your story and it all came back.... EVEN THE SMELLS OF THE AWFUL PLACE WE GOT HIM FROM.
Isn't it horrible what people do... And I know just what you're saying, the smell of that place will haunt me forever!