Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Farm Fun!

What a crazy, action packed, fun-filled few days we have had! You know there's never a dull moment here on the farm, but the last few days have been even more exciting than most. When we left off, Wyatt had just completed his moving up ceremony at Clarkes Elementary School. Our thoughts were turning to long summer days spent splashing in the pool with friends, and also just a little anxiety about the future of a new school with more than 180 students! We have all summer to worry about a new school though so lets move on to the fun stuff!

What better way to start off summer than with a new Llama!

Meet Tina... She is a Craigslist exclusive, extra-large Suri Llama packed with personality and charm. She is however in dire need of a haircut and a manicure. Whatever, so am I. Tina's job on the farm will be to watch over the lambs that we are expecting along with providing hours of fun and entertainment. Who doesn't love watching a Llama frolic? well, she doesn't really frolic, but she does make funny noises and walks around.

Next up was farrier day for the donkeys and a visit with Wendy. We really like our farrier so I started dropping hints about how much easier it would be to trim the toes of my asses if he lived in our little house and... He jumped on the idea! He went home and got his wife and brought her back to take a look around. I think she liked it and I'm crossing my fingers they decide to move in. I spoke with the donkeys and told them to send the hoof man and his wife some positive vibes, if things worked out they could have the best looking feet in the Valley.

Now this next part you're never gonna believe... Wyatt was in the pasture taking a look at Tina when he started doing this, Mom. Mom. Mom. Mom. Mom. Mom. Mom. You know how kids do when they want something, but not bad enough to get it themselves so they start hounding you endlessly to get it for them. Finally I hollered out the window "WHAT" and he said, "look at the baby skunk." Oooo.Mmmmm.Ggggg. My feet were on fire, I couldn't believe it! Wendy and I were tripping over each other as we ran out the door to see her!

We decided to name her Daisy. Sadness soon set in though as I called around to different vets offices and found out that you can't keep wild skunks as pets in Oregon, only domesticated ones. We knew we had to do the right thing for Daisy, so we called Fish and Wildlife and they told us how to try to reunite her with her Mom. We did just as they said, but Daisy wouldn't go. She loved her new pet boy and he loved her.

But as the sun began to set Daisy started to make her way back towards the barn to find her Mom. Before she disappeared into the tall grass for the last time though she turned around and gave Wyatt one last stink and a playful roll as if to say good-bye. I hope Daisy didn't get in too much trouble for spending the day with Wy and maybe someday she'll be back to play again. But if not, it sure was a day to remember ❤

Last but not least I made some new soaps! I made a batch of oatmeal, coffee, pearberry and cherry blossom and my house smells freaking fabulous! Sorta like Spring in the shower : )

If we can't have a skunk, what do you think about ferrets...


  1. NASTY?
    They look SO cute!

  2. Kenna Marie... They can't smell worse than a skunk!
    Can they?

  3. Okay #1, I have to admit that Tina is kinda cute, and I like the idea that she's a guard llama, so I can actually see now why you wanted her.
    Then I thought the donkeys were the cutest things EVER, until I saw the pic of Wyatt and Daisy -- to DIE for adorable!!! Her little tiny feet, so sweet, Wyatt's eyelashes and his nose buried in her fur, oooooooooh!
    So far as I'm concerned, that's the closest to glittery teddybears that I can imagine. Too, too cute.

    As for ferrets - my aunt kept them. She always said they never, ever bit, but one of the little bastards bit my then 7 year old daughter who was doing nothing more threatening than sitting on the couch ignoring it. I wanted to thread the frigging thing onto a skewer and roast it alive over hot coals. But that's just me.

  4. Well, let me just say... I think the ferrets have been ruled out as everyone gets the heeby jeeby stinks from them.
    Our day with Daisy may be one of the brightest days in history! So "stinkin" cute : )
    I knew you'd like Tina ; )

  5. Ignore the terrible spelling. I need to spell check more often.

  6. LOL. I can't believe you let him place with the skunk. Baby or no baby. Love teh donkeys and the llamas. I think you definitely need lip gloss to have your discussion with the neighbors and hair up will make you look more professional. Good Luck! I just came over from Georgie's FB post. ( I was bored and sleepless!)

  7. Thanks Deborah!
    Isn't that skunk the CUTEST though : )
    Hair up, with gloss, gotcha!
    Shave the legs?
