When we left off I had just had my hair cut by local resident expert Mik'el.
He did a bang up job and I love it.
Thank you for all your kind comments.
I wish he would have stuck with cutting hair though as on Sunday he found himself in quite a dangerous predicament with a table saw.
As you know he is remodeling our little bathroom (due to the great toilet flood of 09) and things were going along just swimmingly until he went to cut some shims for the drop ceiling over the new shower.
That's when I heard it.
A very loud "ugh" followed very quickly by a muffled "frumph."
I shouted out to the garage to see if he was ok.
He said no.
I couldn't go to him though because we have an understanding that I don't "do" blood, so if there was an appendage on the floor, the rules clearly state I will not engage.
The last thing I clearly heard was Mike mumbling, "no blood."
By the time I got to the door, he had made it in the house and passed out on the floor so I had to wait until he came to to find out what had happened.
He told me the table saw bucked a 2x6 back at him and it hit him straight center in the gut.
I didn't know what to do so I called my sister Julie in Friday Harbor.
She said without looking at it she couldn't really advise me what to do but I should call 911.
Mike didn't want me to call 911 so I helped him to a chair and snapped off a quick picture to show my Sister via iChat so she could better advise.
That's when Mike passed out again.
My sister said to CALL 911.
I did.
911 took him to the hospital and then that hospital transferred him to the Trauma unit at the BIG hospital in Portland.
Internal bleeding kinda stuff.
So, two days in the hospital and now he's home and I think he's going to live!
I guess bad things happen in three's because while Mike was recovering in the hospital we lost our little dog Gizmo.
He has been very "not" Gizmo for the last few days so my Mom offered to take him to the Vet.
His veins were badly compromised and he wasn't getting the oxygen or blood supply he needed.
My Mom held him in her arms while he closed his eyes and went to live with doggy Jesus.
We will miss him so much.
Gizmo was a used dog who came to live with us three years ago.
We knew he was an old dog but we also knew that he would enjoy living out his golden years
here on the farm.
We will miss you Gizmo, may the streets in Heaven be paved with treats.
With any luck the bad things will stop at two.
Wendy came over yesterday and we had a fantastic visit.
I guess I'm just mad at her and that I really do still love her ;)
Just for the record though, I still think her boyfriend is a blood sucking psychopath.
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