Friday the pipes broke and Mike and Wyatt got the jackhammer, the lawn mower and the baby ducks.
They fixed the pipes, turned the lawnmower into a WT quad and the ducks took up housekeeping in the tractor trailer in the garage where the Cadillac used to be.
Saturday night the toilet in the little bathroom gave up the fight and leaked water from it's tank all night as we slept and I awoke to the river Kwai running from the bathroom down the hall into the utility room and forming lakes under the washer and dryer!
Good times :)
So the first part of the morning was spent cleaning up the mess and the second part of the day Mike spent demolishing the entire bathroom.
You see the little bathroom has had "issues" for many years.
We just had no idea the size of those issues.
HUGE issues.
Not just the floor, but as Mike got farther into it he discovered that the shower had "issues" too.
This is our little bathroom today...
That used to be a tiled in shower.
Now we need to go to town to find a new shower insert and some flooring so Mike can put it all back together again :)
So, to sum things up.
The pump and pipes are fixed.
The white trash quad has a new battery and is up and running.
The little bathroom is in transition (the DIY shows make it look easy)
The baby ducks ~Indian Runners~ are very cute, here's a picture of what they look like now and what they will look like when they're grown...
Have a great day!
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