The night was quiet and the only sound I could hear were the raindrops hitting the pavement and the humming of my heart as it raced like a hamster in a wheel.
I knew I had been to this place before, but when? Maybe as a child, or maybe in another lifetime, it was hard to say.
If only I could see a familiar face, a familiar sign so I could stop running.
I needed to find a safe place to rest and make a plan. Ahead in the distance I could see what appeared to be a welcoming beacon.
A neon sign flashing "24 Hours."
As I made my way inside the building, I saw the children, there were many of them all standing together, but the look on their faces was the same as that of their parents, cold and dissaproving
Hollowed eyes that bore into me so deeply I could feel the void that was left in my soul as they stared.
The smell in the air lingered like drugstore perfume.
It didn't matter which way I turned, I couldn't escape the cheap smell of my own Grandmother.
The more I began to panic, the more of that familiar smell I inhaled deep into my lungs, and it burned.
I began to call out to them. I called out to anyone who would answer my plea for help and direction.
Which way should I go and who would help me.
As it turned out, it was security who helped me.
They were also very quick to point out that I shouldn't be shopping at Walgreens after Happy Hour.
The End
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