Not like she EVER reads the blog.
She's not even concerned about the content of information I may be sharing about her via the world wide web.
t w e n t y f o u r years ago today, that's when I got her.
Twenty-four years ago.
When Gina was here last weekend we were talking about when I got her and how scary it was because I was so young, but probably not as scary as it should have been.
I think back on how easy she was to take care of, hardly ever cried, great sleeper (that ability has only been perfected over the years) but I think alot of that has to do with the fact that I didn't know to expect anything else.
It's like this....
Star Search was the big show in 1984.
I was totally into Star Search much like someone may be into American Idol now.
When it was time for Star Search to come on, I would just put Wendy to bed because I didn't want to be interrupted during the show.
It worked because I didn't think it wouldn't work.
The thought never crossed my mind that she would fuss or bother during that hour.
Here again is another example.
When I brought her home it was early evening and I was tired.
I got things settled and it was soon time for bed.
I put her in the crib and we went to sleep.
I didn't anticipate she would be up during the night, night is a time for sleeping.
Wendy slept through the night from that night on.
It's much like my philosophy on changing a tire.
If you don't know how, you won't need to.
Don't expect the worst and the worst won't happen.
So here we are t w e n t y f o u r years later.
Who other than us thought we would ever make it this far.
We did though, and we never got to far away from each other for very long.
She and I have been through alot together.... six husbands, thirty two cars, at least 15 different homes, five schools, more hairstyles that I can begin to count (her mullet was my personal favorite) and a brother fifteen years into our relationship.
She is my rock, my life, my light, my laughter, my joy, my pain.
There is never a time when she is not on my mind or in my heart.
It's hard to remember life before Wendy.
Maybe because it's Wendy who gave me my life
I love you Gwendolyn Louise Mabel June Itchy Butt Marshall Wood.
Happy Birthday.
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