Well, Birthdaypalooza 08' has come to an end.
I love looking forward to our birthdays, but by the end of the week I'm ready for the festivities to be over.
The year Wendy graduated from high school I must say was the most exhausting.
Between both of our birthdays and the graduation parties and ceremony, we had enough cake to feed a small country and flowers enough to outfit a church for the welcoming of the Pope.
By the time we got to the end of the last day (Wendy's graduation) I was so tired and out of it that I drove away leaving her at the school.
All of our family and friends were gathered in the living room of our single wide ready to cut the cake and toast the champagne, but where was Wendy.......
We all looked at one another doing the "she didn't ride with me, I thought she rode with you"
It was then we realized we had all waved goodbye to her in the parking lot under the flag pole, but no one had picked her up.
Not to long after our observation, Mr and Mrs Griener (Gina, call your Mom and Dad and tell them I mentioned them in the blog!) saved the day, and pulled in the driveway with poor forgotten Wen.
I to this day try and convince her that it's things like that memories are made of.
Remember when we forgot Wen at school on graduation!
Remember when Wen missed the ferry on Christmas and was stuck with all the presents and Wy till the last boat!
Remember when Wen went to jail for no seat belt because the check I wrote for her ticket bounced!
Remember when Wen waited for the school bus for two hours because I forgot to change the clocks!
Stuff like that.
Mike should be working today and I sure HOPE things pick up soon.
He's making enough money, but he's home to much and he's to neurotic to be home all the time.
Wendy is working and called to say that there were gifts waiting for her when she walked in this morning :)
Wy is enjoying his last Friday at school and Leighanne is coming home on the bus with him this afternoon.
Today is field day so they will play games and have the talent show that Wy has been so torn up about.
He couldn't decide rather he should preform his mermaid siren song or martial arts.
We encouraged the martial arts.
Reputations are won and lost in the blink of an eye in the third grade, and Wyatts siren song may not be soon forgotten.
GK is looking forward to hearing the news of my Grammy's ex husband's cousins husbands funeral service today.
He said Mel always was a horses ass and he had no use for him.
I told him he didn't have to worry about that any more seeing as Mel was taking a long dirt nap.
He happily agreed with me and then told me again how he always thought Mel was a horses ass.
This conversation has been repeated numerous times a day since we heard of Mel's passing on the 26th.
Ok, Mikes up and around and you all know I can't think with him yabbering in my ear.
Have a good day!
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