Friday, May 18, 2007

The Day After

Let me start out by saying it was horrible. It really was. They didn't have gas, which I use to have my teeth cleaned. So you can imaigine how it was having a root canal in a right state of mind. It was like he was pulling my brains through a little hole in my mouth with an ice pick and then cleaning up with a toilet brush. I can't talk anymore about that.

I called the hospital this morning and GK was restless and aggitated last night. That is not so good news. We thought he was through that now with his new Doctor and not jacked up on all the medication. It seems like the last few days he has been slipping again. Better during the day than at nght, but still, he is more and more confused and disoriented each day. I don't think he is having the scary halucinations this time. I know he isn't. He just thinks he's working at the hospital in the kitchen, ten hour days and really hard work. At least it helps him pass the time.
Last night he pulled his I.V again. That has got to hurt.
I wish I knew why getting old had to be such a rotten job.

Wyatt has late start today, so he's on the couch watching t.v. He has been playing outside a ton with all the nice weather.
Mike is keeping the lawn like he was tending to the White House grounds. He loves his new mower. He still makes it sound like a chore to "have" to mow the lawn, but I know when he starts talking about it at 9:00 a.m and it turns into a countdown for the rest of the day after just mowing two days ago, he's looking forward to it. I want him to fix one of the old broken mowers just enough so I can ride it around. You know, to check the mail or feed the chickens. It could be a true white trash four wheeler.
I could wear a kitchen pot as a helmet and pot holders for knee pads in case I crash.

After dinner last night we watched Best in Show. I love that movie. If you haven't seen it, rent it. Mike didn't laugh so much or think it was so funny, but he doesn't get that kind of humor. He likes Larry the Cable Guy kind of funny, the kind of funny when they tell you to laugh. I just don't think he gets subtle retarded humor. Maybe that's a good thing. Maybe only subtle retards get it. Anywho, I laughed so hard my face hurt and my sides ached. Kelly must be a subtle retard too, because she was laughing just as much as I was.

I just turned my neck wrong and now it hurts. That, and Wyatt just came in to show me how cool it looks when you use a sharpy marker to make dot's all over you ENTIRE body. I don't think that's gonna wash off in an hour.
I need to go find an s.o.s and some tylenol.

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