You are never gonna believe this... I have lost FIVE pounds since Saturday! I know, I could very well be fibbing about this, but I'm not : ) I got on the scale bare ass naked this morning and there it was.......the last number was four and when I started the last number was NINE. Can you believe it!!!! WoW. The big accomplishment will be when Grammy notices. She is always the first to tell me my butt is kinda big (she says ass) or if my pants are riding up. It's funny, she will lower her voice almost to a whisper and say.."Marilyn, your pants are riding up your butt crack. I wouldn't want you to go to town like that. It's not very attractive." I am always sure to thank her because obviously she has my best interest at heart. Alzhiemers is funny, you cant rember if you had breakfast, but you remember you shouldn't go to town in ill fitting clothes. Hmmm.
GK is feeling good today. He plans to go to town later today to pick up some dog treats at the store and maybe some potatoes. If they aren't doing road constuction maybe stop at the pharmacy. His MRI went smoothly last night and he hopes to hear the results tomorrow when he goes in for his labs. We sure are lucky to have John. He took GK last night and waited to bring him home. He always keeps GK's spirits up with his dumb jokes and wise ass remarks!
Wyatts birthday present came from Wal-Mart yesterday. It's one of those crystal growing kits, and he can't wait to get started. I told him it's a project he has to do with Mike. See, that makes Mike look really smart to Wyatt and get's me off the hook! As GK would say..."I may be crazy, but I aint stupid"! All I have to do is find some jars with lids to grow them in. I'll find those at the big house and then be done with my part of the project. Wyatt is in position on the couch watching cartoons this morning. He has a cushion fort built around him and all his toys inside. He said he's really tired and is contemplating a nap and has decided the cushion fort is a good spot because he's less likely to be disturbed. Can't argue logic.
So, Mike's hands are numb. They started feeling that way yesterday and still feel numb today. Any ideas? I hope it's nothing serious, we don't have life insurance and those crystals need to get done. ; ) Other than that, he feels fine, just numb hands.
Maybe he needs to go to the backcracker. He and Wyatt are going north next weekend. Wyatt will get to see Wendy and Mike will spend the weekend with Maddie. I don't envy him that drive. "Are we almost there Mike cuz I want to see my sister I'm hungry Mike can we stop at Mcdonalds Mike when will we be there Mike can I call my Mom Mike how much longer"
I need to go walk the dogs
Ciao for now.
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