Well, Since last night GK has been having problems with his eyes. They are watering and his vision has been blurred. I think there may be quite a few things that could be causing it and of course the thing to do would be for him to see the Doc about it. Easier said than done. When I mentioned that, he said it was no big deal and he would just wait for it to get better. I sometimes wonder which is the worse position to be in. The one who thinks they know what is best for another person, or the person who other people think they know what is best for. I myself have been in both, and think maybe they both just suck.
When I had my bad brain and the worst headaches EVER, Mike would tell me to take a pain pill and I would say "nooooo, I don't want to, it wont help, leave me alone", and be mad. Then, finally I would take something and of course my head would get a little better and I would be mad at him for being right. So, there you have it. It isn't easy for anyone when someone you love is having a hard time.
O.k, I'm talking about Wendy, but just a little bit. Someone said I might have come across a little to hard on her. I thought about it, re-read what I had written, and thought about it some more and came to this conclusion. She needs to get a job, but she is pretty and has a good personality.
You know what today is............
Today is the day Mike and Wyatt go to see the Family in Skagit County. Wow, I will really miss them. Starting sometime tomorrow afternoon. Until then I am just REALLY happy they are going to have a nice weekend spending time with Maddy and Wendy. Wyatt has been busy making out a schedule for the weekend. I imagine Wendy will be pleased he has taken care of all those pesky "what do we do now" moments. ; )
I have posted a picture of what I think Mike will look like driving to Mt.Vernon based on the fact as this is what he looked like driving to get pumpkins. You can't see in the picture, but Wyatt is in the back seat questioning the distance to the pumpkin patch, when we might be stopping to eat, what we might get if we stop to eat, if there would be a possibility of him going to the bathroom if we stopped to eat, sugesting that maybe we could just eat AND go to the bathroom at the pumpkin patch and then discussing the different things there could be to eat at the pumpkin patch if the pumpkin patch did have food.
GH is on
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