GK went to the eye doc this afternoon. His eyes were bothering him so much, he broke down and called John to take him to town. They had to wait over an hour to be seen, but it was worth the wait. Conjunctivitis. He got a prescrption for some drops and Mike is on his way to the pharmacy as I speak to get it filled. He needs to do the drops FOUR times a day for about two weeks and not wear his contacts.
When he got home there was a package waiting for him from the Carlsons. It was a new heating pad. Very cool, you can velcro it on so it keeps your back and hips warm. I told him I would spring for the extension cord if he promised not to wear it in the bathtub!!! hahaha, I thought that was pretty funny. Mike thought we should rig up some sort of hand held generator.
O.k, so under the ruse of taking snow pictures, I got my camera into the big house to get the long awaited picture of Grammy in her (GK's) glasses. Just so everyone knows, I am NOT making fun. I just think it is fun. E.
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