Not much new today. Mike, Wyatt and I went to town to do some errands. Wyatt bought some toys with his birthday money, we stopped and got some movies and then went to get some KFC for the big house. Grammy and GK were happy with dinner, and they both ate every last bite and had some Little Debbie cakes for dessert. Dinner of champions! Grammy had a full belly and was ready for bed and GK wasn't far behind!
Mike had a predictably slow start to his fishing season, but looks forward to a better run at it next weekend. I was happy to hear he gave the shrimp monsters to a less fortunate fisherman. eghk.
I did really well with my points today and am pleased to find that weight loss may not kill me after all. Nabisco Snackwell black forest cookies are THE BEST and come in at one point a piece, so even if I slip and eat the whole box I'm only down twelve points. Lets be honest, it could happen.
Gk goes in for his MRI tomorrow evening. John will pick him up and stay with him, and they have the prescription relaxation at the ready so it should be all systems go. After a couple of those little pills GK will think even Johns oldest jokes are pretty funny!!
Ok, I have to go make sure Wyatt is washed and ready for school tomorrow.
Good Night.
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