Tuesday, September 6, 2011

New Pig Digs

Wow, you know I love a good three day weekend, but when school hasn't started yet (not until next Monday) and Six is working wonky days and times it's really kind of hard to tell a long three day weekend from any other three days of the week.
We didn't do anything special or labor dayish other than barbecuing steaks and, well I guess that's all.

We got stuff to make a drop spindle so I can start to spin some of this mangy fleece I have around here.
I can't get a good fleece off the llamas or sheep until next spring so that gives me plenty of time to practice.
In case you don't know what a drop spindle is let me show you.

I love this one.
It's a top whorl drop spindle and it's kind of like the one we're making.
I'm going to have Wyatt fancy mine up for me since he's artistically inclined.
I'll show it to you when we're done.

We got Pearl a new pig house since the fluffy butt geese have taken over her place.
Have I told you that I love love love Craigslist.
We found this fabulous custom made cedar house for FREE.
Thank you Julie in Beavercreek for having a stupid unemployed won't get a job good for nothing ex husband who built such a kick ass dog house. 
I love that you can't stand the sight of the worthless bums handy work enough that you would give it away!

Pearl is going to LOVE it.

I'm painting the kitchen today.



  1. Pretty spindle. Can't wait to see how Wy decorates yours!
    Man that Pearl really knows how to get new digs doesn't she? "Come on over you fluffy butt geese. We'll have pizza & beer!" Now they won't leave.

  2. See, I've never had any luck with Craig's List. Glad it works for you. the spindle is beautiful.

  3. Great spindle! And the "dog" house rocks too :-D
