Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Crockpots and Crafts

It seems as though my crafting schedule is a little off.
Usually this is the time of year my crochet hooks and yarn start calling me, but this year not so much and I'm thinking it's because I went into grandbaby overdrive in August which set me off schedule so now I don't know what to do with myself on these cool mornings and dark evenings.
Other than the obvious like dishes, laundry, preparing meals, vacuuming, blah, blah blah, so don't feel as though you need to bring those activities to my attention,
I am well aware.
I have a hard enough time avoiding them as it is.
If I could just find one project to grab my attention I'd be good to go.
Every day I check Rocket Rabbit to see if he's ready to give up the goods and so far no go on the fiber part of my new beloved fleece rabbit which is ok because there has also been a no go on my spouses attempt at a spinning spindle.
I have enough soap for our own personal use and to gift as needed and I'm telling you the gawds honest truth, I'll never get rich selling my wares on Etsy so stockpiling the soap to sell is pointless.
I've made enough candles to get us through a winter of darkness and enough tarts to scent a room full of goats.
I need inspiration.

I love my job.

My back still hurts and my legs and hips too.
Yesterday my face hurt because I think I took to much ibuprofen.
At least I think that's why my face hurt.
If you asked my stupid fourth and fifth husband he would tell you his stupid face hurt joke.
Does your face hurt? Cause it's killin' me.
He was (is) such an idiot.

I think it's time to get the crockpot out and throw a big old roast in it and then I need another crockpot to simmer up a big pear cherry buckle.
I could have crockpot row and even use my little tiny one to keep my spiked spiced apple cider warm.
Ahhhh, I love fall.
Are you on facebook?
If you are you should "like" Crock Pot Girls, they have a TON of great recipes

Belle is just losing the last of last years wool and it's already time to start growing this years wool.
I bet she really thinks the summer has gone by fast.

That's her in the middle and Gary the new ram on the left and Judy the big woolly baby on the right.

Remember this...

That was just last spring.

Guess WHAT!
My nephew got engaged last weekend!
Another wedding!
Wow, my sister sure is getting old.
Two of her children will be married now.
I think two weddings trumps one grandchild.
Anyway, Congratulations Mitchell and Sarah!!



  1. I really need to get a crock pot. Mine broke years ago, and it depressed me so much (it was my grandmother's), that I could never bring myself to buy a new one.

    Why don't you make something fabulous for a giveaway??? I never won, and I was always jealous of those who did! :)

  2. OK. I crochet, knit and spin and I don't know that sheep SHED???? Whats up with that??

  3. I'm so glad you stopped by it's been so long since I've been over to say hi, sorry about that!

    OMGosh how big she is!

    Sounds like you have been very busy :). I'm glad the job is working out so well!


  4. Ooooo Marilyn...I like those crock pot girls. Love the sheeps...lol

  5. Hey congrats on the upcoming wedding of your nephew!
    This one is for him!
    Wedding Personality
