Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Crockpots and Crafts

It seems as though my crafting schedule is a little off.
Usually this is the time of year my crochet hooks and yarn start calling me, but this year not so much and I'm thinking it's because I went into grandbaby overdrive in August which set me off schedule so now I don't know what to do with myself on these cool mornings and dark evenings.
Other than the obvious like dishes, laundry, preparing meals, vacuuming, blah, blah blah, so don't feel as though you need to bring those activities to my attention,
I am well aware.
I have a hard enough time avoiding them as it is.
If I could just find one project to grab my attention I'd be good to go.
Every day I check Rocket Rabbit to see if he's ready to give up the goods and so far no go on the fiber part of my new beloved fleece rabbit which is ok because there has also been a no go on my spouses attempt at a spinning spindle.
I have enough soap for our own personal use and to gift as needed and I'm telling you the gawds honest truth, I'll never get rich selling my wares on Etsy so stockpiling the soap to sell is pointless.
I've made enough candles to get us through a winter of darkness and enough tarts to scent a room full of goats.
I need inspiration.

I love my job.

My back still hurts and my legs and hips too.
Yesterday my face hurt because I think I took to much ibuprofen.
At least I think that's why my face hurt.
If you asked my stupid fourth and fifth husband he would tell you his stupid face hurt joke.
Does your face hurt? Cause it's killin' me.
He was (is) such an idiot.

I think it's time to get the crockpot out and throw a big old roast in it and then I need another crockpot to simmer up a big pear cherry buckle.
I could have crockpot row and even use my little tiny one to keep my spiked spiced apple cider warm.
Ahhhh, I love fall.
Are you on facebook?
If you are you should "like" Crock Pot Girls, they have a TON of great recipes

Belle is just losing the last of last years wool and it's already time to start growing this years wool.
I bet she really thinks the summer has gone by fast.

That's her in the middle and Gary the new ram on the left and Judy the big woolly baby on the right.

Remember this...

That was just last spring.

Guess WHAT!
My nephew got engaged last weekend!
Another wedding!
Wow, my sister sure is getting old.
Two of her children will be married now.
I think two weddings trumps one grandchild.
Anyway, Congratulations Mitchell and Sarah!!


Monday, September 19, 2011

Lost Weekend

I think if I was a horse someone would have put me out of my misery by now.
My stupid frickin frackin achin back is making me crazy and I take SO much ibuprofen and tylenol that my stomach feels like it's going to pack up and split.
Oh well, no pain no gain.
And today is better than yesterday.
And tomorrow will be better than today because today I'm calling the doctor to find out if my back is just old and fat or if something needs to be fixed.
Regardless of what people may tell you, old and fat can't be fixed, but I do have it on good authority that they can fix ugly now (think Kate+8).
I know they can fix fat too, but really, who wants to work that hard and I know they can't fix old.

Even though I have a rotten back I had a fun weekend.
I had a lunch reunion with my bus buddies and learned that although I may miss my buddies, I don't miss the bus.
Valerie is driving a little bus (I got the grips just telling you that) and Spence had someone drive straight into the front of his bus on the first morning of school.
And that my friends is why I love washing dishes and serving pizza to little people.
Even when I have to go sub at a new school, I won't have to wash dishes in the dark or look for the pizza on the side of the road in the rain.
Valerie and Spence seem completely up to the challenge of the big yellow bus though as they recounted all of their stories through laughter and didn't have much to complain about, and I'm already looking forward to our next reunion.

Yesterday we had a Lost marathon because 6 has never seen even one episode of our favorite show.

Rewatching from the beginning is good because I see and get all kinds of things that I missed the first time through.
You know that show is such a trip anyway that even the second or probably the third time watching it there will still be parts that leave you shaking your head wondering what happened, but all in all I would have to say the second time is better then the first.
It'll take a long time to watch all the episodes, but really we're not very exciting people so that works for us.

A week or so ago there was an add on Craigslist for free finches and because I love birds and even more so anything free I replied to the add and they responded yesterday.

Six shook his head and gave me the stink eye as he map quested our way to wherever we went to retrieve our new feathered friends.
They are so cute and SO fun and since the people are moving they gave us their really cool cages too.
You have to keep the boy finches separate from the girl finches because they multiply like rabbits.
I put the girl finches in with canaries because they're both social birds and my canary cage is huge and the boys are hanging on the other side of the room so they can talk to each other.

I buy my gravy mix in the giant container at Costco.
I don't really like it though because it always turns out watery and thin.
Last night I made chicken fried steak with mashed potatoes, gravy and peas.
I read the directions on the back of the gravy container and learned that you're supposed to use three tablespoons of gravy mix not one.
Last night the gravy was really good.


Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Old & The Achy

When did the pod people sneak in and switch out my body with that of a ninety eleven year old woman...
My back hurts, my feet hurt, my elbows hurt and my hips hurt.
It feels like I should of done something I shouldn't have done, but all I did was wash dishes for little people.
I think when I was watching General Hospital and playing with llamas and donkeys and pigs I somehow got old and fat, because when I was filing fingernails I never hurt this bad.
Well, maybe I did, but if I did I don't remember and I also think when I was polishing fingernails I was thin and blond.
The thin part might not be quite right, but they're my memories so I can remember thin if I want and I know for a fact I was thinner than this and it's not that I even necessarily want to be thin again, but I don't want to be fat and achy and old either so I wonder what I should do.
Maybe I should be stretching and walking and eating fewer cookies but not no cookies.
I could do that.

Wyatt is loving school but hasn't made very many friends yet.
I hate worrying about that kind of stuff but I do.
So far he is really into his school work though so maybe I'll just try to enjoy that and worry about the social networking part later.
You know if he was in sports or whatever else kids are into he wouldn't have such a hard time making friends, but being new to this district and being so artsy craftsy makes it hard and I don't want him to be teased.
Maybe we should have let him stay at the other school, but that was such a bad deal but maybe it's better to teach your kids to work through the hard times but that school REALLY sucked bad but in my dads day when you had to walk to school up hill both ways in the snow all year your parents never switched schools because the other kids were little a holes.
You would have stayed and learned to fight and stand up for yourself.
Gawd, I'm a horrible parent.
Now I'm a horrible parent and old and fat and achy too.
Whatever, I'll have a snickerdoole and some Tylenol with me next cup of coffee that I load up with cream and sugar and buy Wyatt something nice after school today.
That's how we roll here on the farm ❤


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Back to School Blues... Kinda

Wyatt's back in school.
I wish summer vacation could last forever.
I know, that's easy to say when you just have one kid and that kid is as easily entertained and occupied as Wyatt.
I'll miss his crazy voices and impersonations and is amazing artistic creations.
But enough about Wyatt.


Can you believe it!

Today is my second day on the job and I think I was born to wash dishes and count chicken nuggets for primary sized people.
I can't think of a better way to spend three hours of my mid-day than seeing eyeballs and knuckles as they pass their tray saying "thank you lunch lady".

Um do you know what else I got?

A brand new to me 1997 Ford Escort!
Courtesy of the Bank of Mom with interest free financing I was able to purchase this low mile beauty!

It is the perfect car.
Low miles, immaculate interior with ROLL up windows and a bitchin AM-FM factory equipped stereo.
30 MPG on the back roads and 35+ on the highway.
A substitute lunch lady's dream.

Ok, I don't have all day any more, I have a job to do.
Somewhere there are dishes to be washed and trays to be passed.


Friday, September 9, 2011

Baby News & Other Stuff!

Yesterday was doctor day with Wendy and as you may remember I promised a prediction of grandbaby girl or grandbaby boy.
Every part of her exam went really well and things are all wonderful at fifteen weeks.
Then came heart listening time.


If it had gone wooshawooshawooshawooshawoosha I would have known right away it was a girl.

But then, the doctor said 160 beats per minute which the medical assistant lady said was on the high side and she called girl.

Whatever, I stand by boy.

Wendy looks very cute and very pregnant is is really excited.
I'm taking Wyatt to her apartment complex to swim today.
Douchebag has cellulitis which is very serious and if you Google it enough you can find information saying that you might even die from it.
Of course I hope that doesn't happen.

A few years ago I hung plates in my kitchen for decoration.

See them up there...
But since I'm getting ready to paint the kitchen I took all the plates down and then I decided I'm tired of the dishes that I've been using for the last bazillion years so I packed up my old set and filled the cupboards with the white ones which is really cool because they are ALL different patterns.
Salad plates and dinner plates.
No bowls.
So, I went to Goodwill yesterday and bought really good deep heavy COLORFUL bowls to go with the white plates.
How much do you love that!
I love it a lot.
And after I paint I'm hanging my Desert Rose plates.

I love that too.

Do you know what else I got yesterday?

Rocky the english angora rabbit!!!!
I have been waiting patiently until he was old enough to come home with me and I didn't want to say anything to jinx it.
I am SO excited!!
That's why we are making the drop spindle, so I can spin his ANGORA fiber.

Here's some pictures of his relatives at the Clackamas Couty Fair this year.

Are you kidding me!
Could you just die looking at those guys!

Ok, I have one last bit of news to share.
Remember last year when I wanted to be a bus driver and got a bus driver job and then got my CDL and went to bus driver school and then started driving bus and then started having panic attacks and had to quit being a bus driver and was so freaked out for the next three months that I couldn't even pass a short bus on the road without having palpitations?
Remember that?
Yeah me too.
Anyway, I was just hired for my second all time dream job and I start Monday.
School Lunch Lady!

I can't even believe how lucky I am.
All I have to do is find some sensible lunch lady shoes and a hair net and I'm good to go.
Actually I don't have to wear a hair net.
It's the 21st century, you just have to pull your hair back now.
Can you even believe it?
I really in truly am the luckiest middle aged albeit very young looking woman  girl in the world.

Ok, that's all.


Thursday, September 8, 2011

Baby Doctor Day

No blog today because I'm going to the doctor with Wendy this morning, but tomorrow I will have a prediction on rather I will be having and grandbaby girl or a grandbaby boy after hearing the heart beat this morning.
Tomorrows blog will also hold more news and surprises so that's all for today, but be sure and tune in tomorrow for the continuing saga of (cue music) Granny Fat Bottoms fun and adventures on the farm!


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Doctors & Douchebags

I didn't paint yesterday and I'm not going to paint today either.
There is a heat advisory for today so I guess I have to wait until tomorrow to paint which is ok because then me painting turns into Six painting and other than a little bitterness and resentment on his part there is really nothing wrong with that scenario.

I made soap this morning.
I haven't made soap in so long that we actually ran out of soap.
Well, that is until I went upstairs to get my soap making stuff and found four bars that I didn't know I had and of course the nettle soap that I still have for sale.
It really surprises me that I have any nettle soap left at all, I thought that was going to blow the doors off my Etsy shop because it is such incredible soap.
It helps eczema, psoriasis, acne and poison ivy.
It's a wonder bar.

I guess people are freaked out about the stinging nettle part, but that's dumb because it doesn't sting after it's dried.
Well, I guess it's not dumb, if you don't know you don't know.

I'm going with Wendy to her doctors appointment tomorrow.
I'm excited and a little scared because once I go to the doctor with her and hear the babies heart beat it's all over for me and then if that douchebag boyfriend of hers does anything to come between me and that baby or if I find out that he hurts the mother of that baby of mine I will be blogging from a jail cell.
I have made some very bad decisions in my life (six husbands) so I understand that I cannot tell her what to do, I can only stand back and love her and help pick up pieces when called upon to do so, but that doesn't mean the seek and destroy instinct doesn't still run strong when it comes to a P.O.S man who f*#!$ with my family.

I'm crocheting baby balls.
I'll show you when I finish the first one.
It's a Fat Bottom original design, I don't think anyone else makes baby balls.

Here's a hat I made.

Cute huh?

Because of their love of the outdoors and outdoor sports (killing stuff) I designed a pee pee tee pee in camouflage.

I think they'll really like it.

That's all I have for today.


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

New Pig Digs

Wow, you know I love a good three day weekend, but when school hasn't started yet (not until next Monday) and Six is working wonky days and times it's really kind of hard to tell a long three day weekend from any other three days of the week.
We didn't do anything special or labor dayish other than barbecuing steaks and, well I guess that's all.

We got stuff to make a drop spindle so I can start to spin some of this mangy fleece I have around here.
I can't get a good fleece off the llamas or sheep until next spring so that gives me plenty of time to practice.
In case you don't know what a drop spindle is let me show you.

I love this one.
It's a top whorl drop spindle and it's kind of like the one we're making.
I'm going to have Wyatt fancy mine up for me since he's artistically inclined.
I'll show it to you when we're done.

We got Pearl a new pig house since the fluffy butt geese have taken over her place.
Have I told you that I love love love Craigslist.
We found this fabulous custom made cedar house for FREE.
Thank you Julie in Beavercreek for having a stupid unemployed won't get a job good for nothing ex husband who built such a kick ass dog house. 
I love that you can't stand the sight of the worthless bums handy work enough that you would give it away!

Pearl is going to LOVE it.

I'm painting the kitchen today.


Friday, September 2, 2011

Adventures in Babysitting

It's Friday, and do you know what that means?
Babysitting day!
Friday is the day that the neighbor Butch goes to some big farm where he can't take Baxter so I get to babysit him ALL day!
During the week I just get to babysit when Butch goes out for the evening or goes to school, or goes to the store, but Friday is an all dayer and he's here in the house when I wake up.
You see, when we met Butch he had a black and white dog just like our black and white dogs.

His name was Cassidy and I got to babysit Cassidy all the time and Cassidy and Bart and Buddy were like the three musketeers and they would play until they dropped.
But then one weekend Butch was working in Central Oregon and there was a terrible accident on the highway and Butch lost Cassidy.
It makes my heart hurt to even tell you that.
But now Butch has Baxter

And everything is coming into balance again.
The big boys love to play with Baxter and Baxter does his best to keep up, but it's never long between naps.

And that's when he and Pooter spend their quality time together.

Everyone knows short legged dogs love a good nap.

So that's what I'm doing today.
Yesterday we cleaned the garage and thank gawd for Craigslist.
We had people here to haul off our old broken dishwasher and Wyatt's old mattress and saved us having to take them to the dump.
I hate taking things to the dump especially if there's any chance that someone else can use what you're trying to unload.
Reuse and repurpose.
That's how we got Gary the roof ram.

We traded a bunch of old chicken wire and some garbage cans for him.
Repurposed Ram.

Anyway so today is also clean the upstairs day because......
We have company coming on Monday!
It's some big motocross weekend thing somewhere around here this weekend and so that means Val and Kate and Joe and whoever else can fit in the truck will be here Monday night!

I am SO excited to see them.
Val and I have been friends ever since she gave me  a bloody nose in the fourth grade because she didn't want to hold hands in the lunch line.

That's all, I have to go smell the puppy now.


Thursday, September 1, 2011

End of Summer Update

What a summer it has been!
I knew it had been quite a summer, but looking back through photo’s to post really brought home just what a summer it has REALLY been!
Lets start with first things first.
I am going to be a GrannyMa.
Yes, you heard that right, a GrannyMa.
To a real live baby, not a sheep or a pig or a donkey baby, a real live person baby!
Wendy has been very busy this summer making a baby and she should be done sometime around the end of February.
Can you even believe that my twenty-seven year old baby is having a baby... I know, I can’t either!

So with the biggest news out of the way we can move on to the other stuff.
Maddy came for her summer visit the last week of June and it is AMAZING to me how much she grows each year. Six see’s her throughout the year, but I only see her when she’s here for her summer visits so the change is DRASTIC. 
Seis and I have been together since the kids were two years old so I have obviously seen a lot of change in Matilda but this year pretty much knocked me on my money maker. 
Seriously amazing.
As soon as she got here we got busy with all the usual stuff.



 and cooking. 

But the biggest thing for Maddy this summer was Bruno.
Wyatt aquired a few parakeets that he is nutso about and Maddy was really into how into Wyatt was over his bird and she developed quite an interest in  birds too only her interest leaned towards cockatiels so before you know it Bruno came to be Maddys new best feathered friend ♥

Bruno was a little hand trained when he came to us and that made Wyatt a little more nutso, so it wasn’t long before he had his parakeets all hand tamed and since then has become known as the Birdboy of Beavercreek. 

I can tell you all about the visions I have of him living upstairs with thirty five hundred birds drinking MiO and eating donuts when he’s thirty.

Our shoer Randy took a big flake on us and all of his other clients this summer and fell off the face of the earth.
It turned out to be the best thing ever though because we got Butch the new shoer who is now the new neighbor and we LOVE him. You know I love him because we cleaned out and fixed up the little house for him and we had pretty much agreed to let the little house fall to pieces around all the crap that was being stored in it because the last people we rented to turned out to be one f’d up mess away from a reality show.
But then came Butch and he changed our minds the minute he asked us if anyone lived in that little house next door.
He moved in two weeks later.
This part is very hard to say and I’m only going to say it once and then we’re not going to talk about it anymore.
There was an accident in the driveway and Butch’s brother did not see Pepper and of course since Pepper was blind he did not see Butch’s brother and that's all I can say about that.
Rest in peace beautiful Pepper bird.

We sold of all of last years sheep except Belle and Judy and found a new little brown ram Gary.

Gary is great although it seems he has some kind of magical powers as we discovered him on the barn roof late one night.

What's up with that?

We sold Molly to a home for young women with special needs and they LOVE her!
They will use her as a "therapy mule" and she will be ridden and worked with daily and really that's what it's all about right, having a special purpose.

This is Molly the special purpose mule the day she started her new job.

After Molly left I talked VI into to getting llamas again.
We talked to enough people to be convinced that we don't have the "M" worm that is fatal to llamas because there are a gagillion llamas that live around here.

Meet Tony and Dolly, aka The Llamas.

I super love The Llamas.

We adopted six Sepastopol geese.
Fluffy Butts.

But Lucy had problems with her legs and couldn't walk.

So she slept in the dog crate on the porch and would come inside a few times a day for "hydro therapy" in the bathtub and hang out and watch T.V with us.

Within a week or so she was good as a brand new goose and back out with the others.

Lady Bird and Lyndon had two healthy ugly babies!
A boy and a girl.

They have their feathers now and are almost ready to leave the nest.

Wyatt and Maddy had to help pull tansy ragwort weed in the pasture.

Maddy learned to crochet and made baby booties and a baby hat for her Aunt.

And we got a new peacock Blu.

I think that's all, but I know that it isn't but for now it's all I can think of.


I'm having the worlds biggest casserole swap!
So far there are only three entries.
Post your recipes here in a comment, on facebook in discussions or email them to me.
I will choose a recipe at random at the end of the month and the winner will get a brand new thirty year old Sears and Robucks rag rug made out of BRAND NEW thirty year old sheets sent to me by Megryansmom and some soap and a candle too!!!

In October I'll make a special section of the blog devoted just to casseroles.
Chicken casseroles, beef casseroles, vegatable casseroles, rice casseroles, noodle casseroles, hot casseroles, cold casseroles, dessert casseroles, fruit casseroles, NOTHING but casseroles, so hurry up and get your casserole recipe in!


Friday, June 17, 2011

Friday, June 3, 2011

Spring Cleaning

What a beautiful morning!
I went on a walk around the pond with the dogs, the cats and a few sheep this morning and it was so pretty down there with the water rushing from the creek into pond and everything is SO green.
Maybe spring is finally here.

The new farrier came yesterday and he did a GREAT job.
I guess everything happens for a reason and losing our flakey farrier may not have been the worst thing that ever happened to us.
The new kid definitely knows what he's doing.
His brother owns the horseshoer school in this part of Oregon so his techniques are the newest and the best and he is VERY patient and steady AND he has a black and white dog AND he resembles my nephew who I believe is one of the greatest men alive under the age of thirty so as far as I'm concerned the kid has a lot going for him.
So that's why when he told us he was going back to college in the fall and looking for a place to rent we didn't hesitate in offering him the little house.
It's ten minutes from the college for him and twelve hoofs for us.
Plus, the rent money will come in handy towards farm maintenance and if we don't do something with that little house it's going to fall apart.
I believe if a house isn't someones home it won't last so I'm excited to have someone over there again.
If someone who knows something about animals lives there we can leave town for a few days.
The down side of all this is that now we have to do a major cleanup over there.
That little house has turned into a general storage area for the last year or so and will require a little elbow grease (Angie Hillier) to get it back in shape.

Speaking of elbow grease...
I spent the entire day yesterday working on our white stone wall.
You can't even tell I touched it today.
Someone HAS to have a stone cleaning secret other than muriatic acid.
Brenda said to try scrubbing bubbles, so that's on today's list.
I've tried, steam, bleach, vinegar, lemon and TSP.
Nothing. Nada. Zilch.
I think after the fire in the early eighties they must have either sand blasted or pressure washed the stone and then neglected to seal it because it is SO porous and completely unfinished.
I would hate to paint the stone (although I have seen stone like this painted white) but it's not only dirty, it creates so much dust.
Maybe I'll just take the lightbulbs out of that part of the house and call it good.

I took this a few nights ago after our crazy storm moved through.

Have a great weekend.


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Craigslist Constitution

We got Wyatt a "new" bed yesterday.
We were going to move him back into the big room upstairs but after assessing all the work it entailed we decided against it and decided to just give his regular room a little freshening up.
Six years ago he went from bunk beds to a waterbed that we bought on Craigslist for 75.00 but now because of his hipandkneeandlegandfoot pain it's hard for him to get in and out of, so we're putting it back on Craigslist for the next kid who needs a super single carolina oak waterbed with a lighted headboard and handy shelves.
After going back and forth on how to redo his room we decided on a loft bed and thought it would be cool for 6 to build it.
We found free plans on the internet for the exact bed we wanted, but after doing the math realized that even a DIY bed was going to cost some cabbage, so once again, I'm happy to report, Craigslist pulled through.
Last night 6 went on an interstate bed run (across the bridge) and returned with a sparkly new full size Ikea tromso loft bed for less than the the cost of lumber!

(Not our room or bed)
Cool huh!

Two weeks ago our dishwasher finally bit the big one and we found a brand new fourteen year old dishwasher for 40.00 on Craigslist.

The lady that had it didn't like dishwashers so it was only used on holidays when her kids came to visit and then she died and the kids are upgrading the kitchen before they sell her house and we got the deal of the (last) century.
As a matter of fact when we did our kitchen facelift three years ago we did it all from Craigslist for under 250.00 and that included a stove, dishwasher, cast iron sink, pull out faucet and lights and the lights were free from one of the oldest churches in Portland!
We got our new mission style flowered furniture on Craigslist, two cats, a dog and a desk on Craigslist, two donkeys, a mule and rubberneck chickens on Craigslist, a 1996 Taurus wagon on Craigslist and a blackberry on Craigslist.
I wonder if there's a twelve step on Craigslist.
I may need it.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Weekend Update

I think we may have had the perfect long weekend.
Not to much lounging and not to much working.
No flooded tents or crowded campgrounds.
(because we didn't go camping)
No waiting in traffic and looking for parking to see the parade.
(because we didn't go to the parade)
We just stayed home.
Well, except for the mini road trip with my mother on Saturday...
Saturday morning Wyatt and I went with my Mom to see her friend Irene about a bird.
You see Irene had recently purchased four birds from a breeder and was willing to cut us a sweet deal because for a very long time I have been wanting a canary and in honor of a certain day that my Mother and I spent together forty three years ago she gifted me with what was in the beginning going to be one but ended up being a pair of red factor canaries.
Have you ever heard a canary sing?

(This is not my bird)

I love them.
Lyndon and Lady Bird.
The Johnsons.
Thank you Mom and thank you too Irene.

These are my birds.

Ummm, I don't remember what we did Sunday.

Yesterday was sheep redistribution day.
All the rams went to new digs, including Big Dan.
It is so hard to say goodbye, but we had to or we would have ended up with a bunch of inbred cross eyed five legged lambs and I since I don't fancy myself a castrater and didn't want to do in Dan at this stage in his life we decided to sell them all at full strength.
I'm pretty sure we will have another round of lambs this summer, but I can't be certain.
I hope so though.
In the meantime, hearts are still mending from the sudden loss of testosterone and the weight is heavy on Jack the little Ass's withers as he looks after his newly acquired harem of shedding ewes, a short legged gypsy goat, an obese food focused pig, a temperamental senior white donkey and one cranky old spotted mule mare.
I tell you, PMS in this barnyard must really be a bitch.

I have a new farrier coming on Thursday.
I gave up on our regular one who has COMPLETELY flaked out on us for the last month.
As I said on facebook last week, I have ex-husbands more reliable than that guy.

Speaking of facebook, if your not on the farm facebook and don't already know, there are new soaps and some great soy tarts just listed on Etsy so you need to go take a look!
You can either follow the farm store link at the top of this page or just click HERE.

That's all.
