Wednesday, December 8, 2010

After School Special

Well the whole a-hole teacher situation worked out great! I decided to use reverse psychology on him just like I do my kids and he was like putty in my hands. ACCKK... I just took my first drink of coffee and it tastes like Juan valdezs' donkey made it!


Gross, I'll be right back.

That was a whole pot do-over.

Anyway, the principle and the counselor we fantastic and I felt like they really had Wyatt's back and were on board to get things on track to help create a less chaotic classroom environment.

You know, it's not to often anymore that I have to go out into the world and interact with people and use big words. To better understand this you have to realize that I used to be a social queen, working around people ten hours a day and loving it plus being socially involved (a busybody) with my entire downtown community. I knew what was going on with everyone, who was dating who, who was getting a divorce, who got fired, who got hired, you name it, I knew it. It was like a second full-time job for me, keeping up on everyone elses business, but on top of all that I also found time to be somewhat attractive or at least inoffensive to look at. Not so much anymore. It took me at least thirty minutes to pick out clothes to wear yesterday. I had to find pants to wear without an elastic waistband, shoes that weren't covered in mud, a bra that lifted and seperated and a shirt that didn't have food stains across the chest. When I fired up my flat iron and grabbed a brush I almost fainted over the amount of grey hair on my head and when I leaned into the mirror to get a closer look I got an eye-full of my unwaxed brow (at this point singular is correct) so I grabbed 6's razor and cut myself shaving it and had to apply a toilet paper spit wad over my left eye that I luckily remembered to remove before going into the school. Gawd, I used to be bleach blonde and height weight proportionate and now I'm a grey haired fatty frump with razor burned brows. Oh well, I guess I could always go on a diet and buy a bottle of peroxide, but I kind of like things how they are, and I really like having ice cream for breakfast and pancakes for dinner.


The cow man commeth.

Goodbye pain in the ass cows that have caused me so much grief the past twelve months.

Buddy will miss you.

I have to go make slippers.

See you tommorow.

Oh yeah, one more thing, remember to click on the Facebook box over there on the right. I'm going to quit posting blog updates on my personal page soon (Susan, just hit like and your in) and I don't want you to be left behind :)

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