Last night I watched the movie Bruce Almighty. I loved it, and I really loved that Morgan Freeman played God, and I really really loved that he played God before he got all the weird spots on his face (Morgan Freeman not God.) You know the part when Jim Carey starts hearing everyone's prayers all at once and the sound of everyone's voice starts freaking him out? Sometimes that happens to me. I don't hear people's prayers, but I get so many thoughts running through my head that it starts to drive me nuts, and my problem is, they aren't all happy thoughts about eating salted caramel and taking naps, they're doomy thoughts like, well here's an example... I get so caught up about Wendy and her douchebagboyfriend that I don't just think about what I think is going wrong in her life right now, but I think about how bad things could get for her in the future and then I start worrying about who's going to take care of the baby (that she doesn't have) and what if she can't get a job and who's going to drive her to the prison on visiting day to see the douchebag after he knocked over a liquor store because she doesn't have a car that runs and even if the car did run she probably doesn't have gas money and will I watch the baby when she goes to the prison or will the douchebags family watch the baby and if the baby stays with them will they smoke around her (I think the baby's a her) and I know they have guns in the house, and probably loaded bear traps too and what if she gets pulled over for speeding and doesn't have insurance and goes to jail and then Hazel (the baby) ends up being a ward of the state. At the same time that I'm having those thoughts about Wendy, I'm also thinking about my favorite peacock that was eaten by owls two nights ago and how if I could go back in time and lock the door to the pen maybe the peacock wouldn't have come outside during the night and maybe if I had put up one of those creepy plastic owls the owl wouldn't have gone near the coop and maybe if I had put a radio in the coop the owl wouldn't have been down there in the first place but then I wonder if birds can sleep with the radio on and then I get mad at myself because I never remember to turn the T.V off before I go to sleep.
These are just last nights thoughts, and trust me it's just the tip of the iceberg.
Maybe I need to see a psychiatrist.

I have a conference with Wyatt's teacher tomorrow.

Actually, I have a conference with Wyatt's teacher, the principle and the counselor because Mr Griffin is such a boob and Wyatt's classroom is more like the WWF than it is a group of kids sitting around in short chairs soaking up knowledge paid for with our hard-earned tax dollars. When I call to talk about the issues I'm having I always get the same answer, "there's problems in that classroom this year, but we're working on it." Listen, Wyatt is far from being the perfect student, but he's always gotten along well with his teachers and held his own academically. This year? Not so much. There is so much chaos going on in the classroom that even if Wyatt goes to Mr G for help he gets the brush off. I have sent emails about my concerns and received replies that were SO defensive you would have thought I was accusing the guy of a federal offense. Two weeks ago, after being ignored so many times, Wyatt flat-out asked Mr G if he hated him and his reply was, "do I have to answer that Wyatt." Are you kidding me? WTF? This guy is not only a nimrod, he's a nimrod who is having a negative impact on my kids education and I have real problems with that. So my question is, what kind of response should I expect to get from the school. What would be appropriate action from them when there is a classroom so out of control that there is actual physical altercations going on and so much chaos that the teacher has lost control of his students and is unable to provide a productive learning environment.
I need your answers in essay form no later than tomorrow morning 8:00 A.M.
Have a good day, you're all dismissed.
Does Mr. G have a daughter ? If so introduce the douchebagboyfriend to her and ta da 2 birds with one stone.
ReplyDeleteI learned a LONG time ago that if you're having issues w/someone and they don't do anything about the problem, go to the next higher authority. For me....I go straight to God first. He knows all...beginning & end of all circumstances. My sister has gone through bullying, & harassment of her son. She's even met w/the bullies parents. The school will NOT tolerate ANY kind of bullying/harassment. I had a nun for a teacher who could tap her ring at any given moment of chaos and everything came to complete silence. You are your childs advocate and you are STRONG! If you haven't already, go to the Superintendent. Keep sending letters if nothing is happening. BE the sweaky wheel!!
I wish the comment section had a "like" button.
ReplyDeleteThis is genius.
OK, Two Cents (From a Friend who does not have children nor have I raised any) on the Deep Thoughts issue: STOP IT! Put a rubber band on your wrist and SNAP! that baby as soon as you start thinking in circles. (Of course I've found Zoloft works best for me:) You can't live Wendy's life. You can't even ask her to learn from your mistakes. As hard as it is to watch, she will have to learn her own life lessons.
ReplyDeleteAs for Wy, I agree with Michelle "You are your childs advocate"
Thank you Michelle, you are always so uplifting ♥
ReplyDeleteUghhhh... You are so wise my friend, especially the part about she can't won't refuses to learn from my mistakes but I really really want her toooooo!
ReplyDeleteYou have good friends, listen to them!
ReplyDeleteWyatt has only one teacher? Can he move to another room? Maybe a daily progress report would help. And I mean that so that you can be in contact with the teacher every single day bugging him until he fixes the problem, (not to check on wyatt).
Owls eating big peacocks? How can that happen? Owls are small and cute, I can't imagine!
I tried the progress report, but he's such a _____ that the whole idea kind of sank. I think the next step will be to try and move him into another class, but of course Wyatt doesn't want to leave his friends in that class, you know how it goes with kids, their social life is THE most important thing.
ReplyDeleteSTUPID owls!
I USED to think they were small and cute too and now I see them as the blood thirsty savages that they really are >{
Oh, crap about the owl and the peacock. I'm so sorry!
ReplyDeleteAs for might be time to start saying things like, "Our attorney suggested that Wyatt might be moved to a different room....." or, "When we talked to our lawyer, she suggested getting written documentation from you about the problems you're having in Wyatt's classroom this year."
Take notes during the meeting. This will serve two purposes: 1. you're doing it under advice of 'counsel' and, 2. it will keep your hands busy when you wanna smack the teacher.
Love you!
Did I ever tell you that your my hero?
ReplyDeleteLove ya!