Monday, March 29, 2010


Ugh, enough with this weather already...
I know, I shouldn't complain.
We didn't get piles of snow this year and we only had that one week of bazzilion degrees below zero when we almost froze our a$$es off but really, this wind and rain has got to stop!
Every time we get a gust I'm sure it's going to be the one that blows the top off the barn, and the rain makes the ground so slick I feel like Tonya Harding figure skating out to the henhouse.
My floors look like we've been guest hosting the Oregon Zoo with all the mud that gets tracked in and my little little green clean machine is about ready to go t.u.
It just can't keep up.
I think when we replace the floors we'll go with something waterproof that has a drain so I can just hose the place down.
The other problem is that as soon as it quits raining and the sun comes out the grass is going to grow faster than my waistline and you know what that means...
John Deere and I will begin our summertime love hate relationship.
I will love the fact that I'm not pushing a mower and hate the fact that I'm riding one.
How is it that #6 made all this look so easy when he did it and I'm pretty sure it will be the death of me???
Seriously, the inside stuff and a flower bed here and there is plenty enough for me and now I have to figure out how to do all the outside stuff too?
I think the place is going to look like Sanford and Son by the time 6 gets back next winter.
And then, to top it all off, Wyatt has been home for the last week AND today for spring break.
Remember all of those tender endearments about wanting to home school because I miss him so much when he's away?
Yeah, well scratch that.
I'm ready to enroll him in boarding school in Switzerland.
I hear they have great health care there.

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