Saturday, July 19, 2008


My house is quiet.
I forgot what quiet sounded like.
Mike is sleeping.
Wendy is at the Fair.
The kids are upstairs airbending 
(don't ask, I don't care, bending air is obviously a quiet sport)
The phone isn't ringing.
The dogs aren't barking.
The donkey's aren't meesh-mawing.
The ducks, turkeys, geese and chickens must all be in a meeting because I'm not hearing any commotion from the compound.
The television is OFF.

What should I do?
It's to early to sleep, and anyway, I would hate to waste good quiet on sleep.
I could take a box of wine to the deck...
No, because when the quiet ends in a screeching blaze of catastrophe I'd be laid out drunk in a garden chair. No good.
Maybe I could start reading a new book.
Maybe I could pick up on the the third page of the last book I started reading two months ago.
Forget the book, I just end up reading the same paragraph over and over because my mind wanders.
I could take a long relaxing bath.
No, I would have to clean the tub first ergo the relaxing part.

Maybe I'll just sit outside and watch the sun as it starts to go down.
It shouldn't be long till' quiet is gone, I might as well just relax and enjoy it.

Pea's Out

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