I guess it's been a while.
This may not be to long because I have to get Wy up for school in a few and Mike is home until 1:00 today.
John and Chucky the neighbor will here around nine to "work" for GK on the deck.
GK has a doctors appoitment at 2:30.
Heres the quick version.
Gk was in and out of the hospital last week.
Critical heart failure and they didn't expect him to live till' lunchtime.
He was home for dinner the next night : ).
He was in the hospital for a week in July.
That was for dehydration, confusion and delerium.
They probably should have found me a comfortable room with padded walls by the time that stay was over with.
The doctor had him on WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY to much medication and it really took it's toll in a bad way.
We have another new doctor now.
Mike has a new job.
Yes, another one.
He was driving log truck, and the company he was driving for also contracted to haul overflow groceries for United Grocerers.
United liked him so much they offered him a job.
Union bennifits, retirement, blah, blah, blah.
Of course he took it.
He really likes it and he works good hours.
He's been there a little over a month.
Just long enough to buy a nice new truck ; )
Wy is back in school.
Third grade.
He loves it.
He has the same teacher as last year, so everything was comfortable starting this year.
Just like an old pair of shoes.
He had a fun summer spending a week at Camp Carlson, visiting with Maddy, and his Cousins Drew and Quinn were here for ten days.
Aunt Julie was here for a visit and so was Aunt Kelly.
The rest of the time was divided between swimming at the river, spending evenings at the pool, running after small farm animals and poking sticks at bugs.
We have a new neighbor.
One of Mikes, friend's, kid, (23) moved in next door while he's working a job for Snelson.
His name is Nick and he is THE best.
Guess who else likes him?????
Let's just say we see Wendy ALOT more now.
I think he's kind of sweet on her too.
They would make the perfect couple.
They are both funny and loud, and he's really smart.
Oky, gotta go.
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