Monday, September 17, 2007

It may seem as though I am having a hard time keeping up around here.
I am.
Between construction on the deck, five dogs, a stubborn Grandfather, a Husband with shift changes and an eight year old, I just can't seem to keep up with it all.
Things have been going smoothly, but honest to Gawd, I think this whole "deck adventure" will drive me insane.
It has been three months now and it's not even half way finished.
It's not John fault, although if he worked on it more than three or four hours a day it might go a little faster.
The problem is, John is seventy and has health issues of his own.

"Geriatric Construction.....we'll try to finish before we die".
That's kinda funny and kinda true.

Can you hand me a hammer.
A what?
A hammer.
Some jam....what the hell you want with jam?
I said a hammer!
It's not even lunch time.
Can't ya hear me, I said a hammer!
OH! A hammer.... why didn't ya just say you wanted a hammer.
Here's your GD hammer.
What'd ya hand me this hammer for...I thought it was lunch time?

That's the way things go around here : )

I woke up yesterday to see GK wearing a pair of brown pants I bought him two Fathers days ago.
I was shocked.
My whole life I have only seen him in his working man green pants.
Not only were these pants brown, but they fit him.
It was a real shock to my system.
He said he liked them so much he wanted a few more pair.
Wyatt and I went to K-Mart and bought him two more pair, but the new ones we bought were working man green.
He really looks good.
I think he has been feeling better too.
We went to the Bomber last night for dinner.
That was fun, and they had good food.

My Mom got another new dog.
Did I tell you this already?
Anyway, it's her 6th new dog in just a little over two years.
That doesn't mean she has 6 dogs, it's her 6th NEW dog.
I don't plan on getting to attached.
It's a nice dog, a pomeranian.
He had three names by the second day she had him.
I think I'll just call him temporary.
She seems very happy to have him though and he's happy enough to be there.
For now.

My new favorite snack is Cheese Curds from A&W.
If your out and about today go try some.
They taste even better with a large A&W root beer.

Have a good one : )

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