Well, rack it up to another fabulous Oregon 4th of July! We had a great time doing sparklers and stink bombs in the driveway. Even though we didn't go anyplace or watch any big show, we all still had a really good time.
Wyatt was having fun in the watered down driveway until you couldn't breathe the smokey air anymore. The weather cooled down and it was nice to sit outside and watch. I was on fire patrol and watered the driveway before and after every match was struck.
The dogs didn't enjoy the evening as much as we did. Sassy hid in GK's bedroom, Pooter laid and watched, Gizmo cruised the perimeter and George had a nervous breakdown. At one point George got out the door and ran to the back yard. Mike caught him and hoisted him onto the deck. As we were walking away, Mike heard a "thump". He turned back to see George had careened himself off the deck. We were so affraid he had hurt himself, but I think his adrenalin was so high he just bounced and was ready to run for the hills. He's a little sore this morning, but happy the noise is over with.
We went to dinner with Dohn and Jonna yesterday. GK wanted to go for chinese, but the place we go to was closed, so we went to Izzy's.
Wyatt and I love Izzy's so that was ok with us : )
GK wasn't feeling to well yesterday, and the later it got the worse he felt.
He REALLY wanted to go for dinner though.
So we did.
Izzy's is just a glorified slop and trough. Whatever you want and however much of it you can eat, topped off with a soft serve machine.
What could be better!
We left hot and full and ready for a night of fun filled festivities.
Dohn and Jonna drove GK because they have air in their Taurus and we don't. So after dinner, they brought GK home, but didn't stay long. They needed to get home to take care of their dogs. That was ok though, because GK was fading. His ankles had begun to really swell and the pain was getting bad.
He was up until midnightish because he just couldn't shake the pain.
Same story today, except his blood pressure is running higher than it should and that makes him kind of dizzy.
He has been soaking his feet in cool water and drinking lot's of water and that seems to help more than anything else.
K, thats all
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