Gk goes in for new blood today. I hope that will turn things around, he hasn't been doing so well. He is starting to really have some confusion, and the days are staring to get a little tougher for him. My fear is that when we go in to the hospital for blood they are going to want to keep him.
Last night after Mike and I had gone to bed, we heard this "thump, thump, thump.." Mike jumped up and it was GK at our door. He had been thumping his cane down the hall. He was pretty upset, and asked where I was. He said he had been looking for me and couldn't find me. He had talked to the man that lived upstairs (Wyatt) and he didn't know where I was either. He said he had been calling, but no one was answering their phone. Mike said, well she's right here kenny, and he looked over and saw me and was ok. He just wanted to know what time the people were going to be here to pick us up in the morning. I told him I would just go ahead and drive and he was ok with that.
We were up at 4:00 this morning. He was dressed and ready to go. Some one from the Gleaners was coming to pick him up and take him to the warehouse. I think he had already been up awhile, so I said I would sit with him and wait awhile. He took his medicine, ate some breakfast and drank some coffee and seemed to come around a bit.
He took a shower and got dressed in his going to town clothes and is now sitting in his chair with his dogs listening to Kelly Clarkson blaring on the Morning Show. Life is strange
Mike is back to work after FIVE days off. All the mills were closed last week for the holiday. I got pretty used to having him around all day, I think I might kinda miss him. He has been busy working outside, but also a big help in the house with all that's been going on.
John called this morning. We haven't heard anything from them since we had dinner last Wednesday. They used to talk every day and we would see John a couple times a week. I guess John has been busy with his own family stuff.
He said his sister was going to be here for a few days, I hope they have a nice visit and find a way to stay cool.
Wyatt's been busy stuying the planets and mermaids.
What can I say.
He gets his mind on something and it's full out. He is sooooo serious in his "studies". I guess it's time to do another video blog so he can share his knowledge with you.
I think he is going to The Carlsons for VBS in a week or so.
I hope it's not to intense on the "B". Can you imagine him coming home reciting the Bible and telling me stories of Jesus and how the earth was created in seven days by Jesus' Dad.
I can hear it now.................
Jesus and Planets and Mermaids OH MY!
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