Friday, September 18, 2015

Facebook Fall Out

Facebook has ended our relationship. It's probably for the best, I'll move on and be more productive, until I get the hang of Twitter and then I'll be back to numb thumbs again, but for now, all's quiet on the home front.
Facebook said that since my name was Marilyn Isnevergettingmarriedagain I had to prove it with a scanned ID and other proof of identity and I said no and they said ok bye. Just like that. After nine years they just kick me to the curb AND my pages too! So, if youre a follower of the Supervisor page youre going to have to wait and see if I can sneak in some side door to make a new page, but for now it's all Twitter all the time.

I have tons going on right now. New crafts, crochet, signs, mod podge etc and I wish I knew how to sew and was already good at it. I joined an old lady group on FACEBOOK just so I could ask someone local to teach me how and now I'm ixnaed so that won't work and I'm afraid if I go on Craigslist and ask I'll get some wierdo perv who just wants to smell my feet and breathe on my neck.
I need an old lady who knows legit short cuts and cool things about sewing and not all the BS stuff that you learn at one of the craft store classes that don't teach sewing anyway. So dumb.
I wonder if YouTube has sewing classes.

It's almost fall and even though I'm not a full on pumpkin spice latte kind of girl, I do love all things autumnal. Pumpkin bread, banana bread, molasses cookies, stew in the crockpot. You know, the season of elastic waistbands, and sensible shoes. I'll try and post a link to something cool on Pinterest (not facebook because they SUCK) with every post, so here's this...
This is from

That's all for today, see you on Twitter and Instagram!


  1. WTH? I have half a mind to quit Facebook in protest! I noticed you more on Twitter and wondered about it.
    The lady who sold me my sewing machine gave lessons too. Don't know how close you are to town but it might be an option.

    1. Well, as you know facebook didn't keep me out for long, but having to go through all of that nonsense was CRAZY! And, I still cant believe I lost all of my photos and pages :(

  2. When my mom wanted to learn how to tat (an almost lost art of making homemade lace), she went down to the nursing home and asked around.
    This was 30 years ago now & she found only 3 ladies who remembered how to do it - to this day my mother is the only one that I know that can make lace (surely there are others, just not that I know).
    Anyway, that's my advice Marilyn, go down & visit one of the senior homes - my mom found that those older ladies were founts of knowledge & mostly very happy to have someone to teach the old skills to -- even those who could hardly work the thread anymore could at least teach her how to hold the tatter & thread & explain it. You are such a multi-talented crafter already, you'll be able to pick up on sewing quickly & easily, no doubt in my mind!

    I did a lot of cross-stitch when my kids were younger, loved decorating the outfits that my mom sewed for them. Did a lot of crocheting as well, I see you've pinned the ripple stitch lately, that is a pattern that I recently started an afghan in.
    I have a friend having a late in life first baby (she's only 41, but technically that's late in life) so I also crocheted a simple car-seat blanket in pale green/lilac with white trim (Mommy-to-be asked that not everything be pink, obviously she's having a girl).
    I'm filled with ideas to do up for the new baby, but I don't want to overload the woman! So, I'm going to do some more gorgeous baby stuff (while I'm inspired) & hope to have a little 'Captain Underpants' of my own someday.

    Oh, & btw Facebook sucks ass anyways. No great loss.

    1. That is a GREAT idea! And, I would love to go down and dish with those ladies, they all have such great stories to tell. Maybe I should just pack up my bag of yarn and go hook with with the old gals one or two days a week. I am in the throws of getting a few baby afghans done up to list for the colder months, seems like they don't sell to well during the hot season.
