I feel like I'm turning into the the crazy cat lady goose hoarder chicken farmer sheep herder.
Olive had a surprise batch of cats that are so ugly I almost think she hooked up with a raccoon.
It's a good thing that there are only four of them and that we decided to keep one, because I think they are going to be pretty hard to rehome. We're going to need to find three soft hearted really ugly kitten lovers.
The half raccoon, grey striped, pointy faced, big whiskered twins are the worst and the third one looks exactly like their mother with long stringy black and white hair. There may be hope for her.
The fourth one, Chocolate, is brown.
I'm not kidding.
Have you ever seen a brown cat?
Me neither.
So we're keeping him.
Mainly because Wendy's baby licks him every time he holds him.
Because he thinks he's chocolate.
And we think it's funny.
Wendy's baby licking the cats
Chocolate and Astro
Cat Camo

We had a late hatching goose this year.
Wyatt found her cold and freshly cracked in the pig house where the geese had made their nest and laid their eggs, but all the other eggs had hatched and they had left their nest days before.
Wyatt brought her to the house and we put her in the bathroom under a heat lamp and helped her through the night. She bounced back fine, but we soon discovered that she couldn't walk. Her hips were all wonky and she could only turn in circles.
Wendy's baby imedietly named her Chicken because he didn't believe us when we told him she was a goose.
So Chicken started going through extensive physical and hydro therapy and before long she was up and at em' playing with the dogs and the boy.
Here's the problem...
I have been letting all of the geese stay up near the house because of our my dysfunctional attachment to chicken. It's hard for me to let go, but she's befriended the real geese and wants to be with them so I have been letting them all graze in the yard and swim in the pool and poop on the patio...
Well, too bad so sad, they geese have got to go.
Do you know how much geese poop?
Exactly how much geese eat that's how much, and I'm pretty sure it goes straight through.
In one end and straight out the other.
So it's back to the barnyard for Chicken and all of her friends.
No more cuddle time on the couch watching her favorite shows with the boy, no more sneaking snacks in the kitchen while I'm cooking and no more dips in the tub.
I have got to get a grip and let her go.
I may need a twelve step.