Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Two In A Row!

We did it!
Wendy and I and the neighbor kid schlepped downtown to the big Goodwill yesterday for some sheets and made out like bandidts.

I filled the trunk of my car and didn't even have to dip into to the grocery fund :)

And my washing machine has been running ever since.
As I told you though, there is a price, and it's just not a monetary one, but hey, who doesn't love a bargain and really when you think about it, the gettin is half the fun.

We found a GREAT antique pie case for TWELVE dollars that we're going back for today.
We would have got it yesterday, but we didn't have the truck.
I hope it's still there, it will look so perfect in Wendys house, but even if that one's gone there were a few other similar pieces that would freshen up with a coat or two of paint that would look almost as good for the same price.

Today we're packing Purell though because I'm telling you the oog that's left all over your hands is enough to give a girl the heebs.

Um so yesterday I went through my dead clothes drawer and started pulling stuff to toss and decided I would wrap my old most favorite pair of pants around my thighs before I bid them one final adieu and uh, guess what...
After being to much of a fatty pants for the past two maybe even three years to yard them over my big wide arse they slipped right on with room to SPARE!
Not only did I wear them to town but I was having to pull them up all afternoon!
What the hell?
How does that happen?
Maybe when I quit worrying about being a fatty a little bit of my fattiness departed.
Don't get me wrong, I celebrated with a McDonalds ice cream cone and I may or may not have indulged in a Dairy Queen confetti blizzard only the day before, I am who I am afterall, I'm no calorie counting Betty, but hey, if the universe wants to give me a pants pass who am I to refuse!

I'll post pictures of Wendys furniture find on Facebook when we get home.

1 comment:

  1. This Ozark Farm Chick just hopped over to say Howdy!!!

    I have to tell ya, I sure had fun pokin' 'round in here. Don't worry, I put everything back just the way it was. I'm twisted like that! Heeehehehe!

    From the happy hills and hollers of the wonderful Missouri Ponderosa, ya have yourself a beautifully blessed day now, ya hear? :o)
