Thursday, February 16, 2012

Happy Birthday Wyatt!!

This is just a small scattering of photographs since we moved to the farm in 2006.

I don't think you could handle the entire thirteen years!


  1. Ah, he looks like a kid who is having a GREAT childhood! You rock, Miss M.

  2. Happy Birthday to Wyatt! Is he still talking to you after all these pictures?

  3. These pics CRACK me up! Too funny. I love one one w/ Wy and Jared, of course.

  4. Loves it! I'm thinking a framed 11x14 print of Wy in the tub would make a great mantel piece. (:

    1. Or... A beautiful black and white as a graduation announcement insert :)

  5. Fav: Baby skunk pic.
    2nd fav: b/w rooster cradle
    3rd fav: Popeye cutout
    4th fav: b/w swim goggles (enlarge & frame that one)
    5th fav: upside down in the kiddie pool
    Love 'em.
    ps. FBF button still not there - you know what I mean.

  6. Happy Belated BD! I am sure it was very fun and enjoyable. Love the pictures, and it must totally be hoot to have you in the family! Never grow up and always keep your eye on the next laugh! Enjoyed this very much!
