This is monumental.
You know how when you're nursing you aren't supposed to drink coffee because the caffeine goes straight to the baby? Same with soda pop, spicy foods etc...
Ok, so listen to this... What if I mixed finely ground espresso with my chickens layer pellets?
They would lay espresso eggs!
I could sell them to Starbucks and here would be the ad campaign...
Are you tired and hungry? Try a Starbucks Espresso Egg! Protein and caffeine at your fingertips.
I told you this was big! Starbucks could even put their swag on my eggs.
Here's a glimpse of my vision...
Can you even believe it!
I'll let you know how it goes.
Today I'm on the hunt for a Honey Bucket. I want one to use as a school bus shelter for Wyatt at the end of the driveway. I think I found one in Vancouver, but I would like to find one a little closer to home. You would think those things would be all over the place, but trust me, they're hard to come by. Remember last spring when I got the toilets to put outside the gate to use as planters? Well time and energy got away from me and the flowers I planted soon died so I filled the potty planters with fake flowers from the dollar store. They are a beautiful burst of color that I can easily change out with the seasons and trust me when I tell you the people in the neighborhood LOVE them! I even get phone calls and messages of gratitude, and passers by slow down to tell Wyatt as he gets off the bus how much they LOVE the faux foliage, so I think that continuing with the latrine theme will be a huge hit. I'll be sure to post some photos of the finished project.
Speaking of projects, I'm crocheting some great grocery totes. I think it would be swell for all of you to join the Ban the Bag campaign and to also ditch the water (all plastic) bottles. Here's a link to the Ban the Bag page and here's a link to Ban the Bottle . Make a difference, it just feels good. I'm also making some sooooper cute slippers that Wendy thinks are dumb but I think she's dumb so whatever.
*Espresso Eggs are a Trademark of me :)