Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Just Another Day...

I told you that two of my ewes died.
What I didn't tell you was that I can't dig a hole to put them in.

The following story may gross you out.

My dogs keep going out to the pet cemetery in the pasture to roll in the wet stinky wool of their departed Friends. Then they come running back to the house trying to get in to share the dead sheep stink with me. Between the four of them (dogs, not dead sheep) I have gone through almost an entire Costco size bottle of Febreeze. I wish I could use my new tomato soap on them (dogs not sheep,) but it has to sit for another week or so first, and really it wouldn't even do any good because they would just go back out and do it again.
So instead I just get to enjoy the wet and woolly dead sheep funk that has permeated my entire house, and trust me, the smell is worse than you're even thinking it is, even if you're thinking it's really bad.
It's worse.
I told you it was gross story.

My Grampy's friend John came over yesterday (morning before 7:00AM) for a visit.
He was recently diagnosed with late stage prostate cancer and just after hearing the news, his wife left him and later that week their house went into foreclosure.
Anyway, John moved out of state to live with his wife's daughter who is also his niece
(long story)
but is still within driving distance of his doctors office so he can continue with his radiation and chemotherapy treatment even though his cousin wife took him off her insurance.
The moral of the this story...
Lifes a bitch, then you marry one and then you die.

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