Tuesday, January 13, 2009

TrailerParks Reporting

Do you ever wonder why the news networks are always referring to "bloggers" yet no one ever mentions us?
Just once I would like to hear Rick Sanchez from CNN say, and now to the blogs... It seems as though Mrs Parks from the TrailerParks Farm is quoted as saying, "Velveeta and RO*TEL, out of the Park and into the suburbs, it's what's for dinner"

I need to start my own cable network.
I'll call it WTN, White Trash Network.

All day long I'll feature recipes that real women make, cleaning tips that revolve around Costco wipes and Windex, and crafts made with nothing but hot glue, glitter and toilet paper tubes.

Soxy Deb has an idea for a new reality series entitled "Mike Swap."
If I had my own network, I would pick up her show and make the rules as follows... Anyone married to a Mike can participate and just for playing they get all their credit card bills paid off and their mortgage dropped two points.

I think I would even include a "Shared Information Hour" and choose Mike to host it.

I think I'm on to something BIG!

Stay tuned...

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