Thursday, January 15, 2009

Blog Bread

Amy and Jill spent the weekend with family and came home with Amish Bread starter.
Amy baked hers yesterday and it looked so good that I suggested to her that we start a "Blog bread" and since it was my idea I got to chose who would be in charge and I chose her.
Amy said she was to "busy" whatever and I understand so I guess it's up to me to get this blog bread ball rolling.

Me being in charge of anything rarely ends well so I want to pass this off as quickly as possible.
I need two people to volunteer, so if you want to participate leave a comment below.
If nobody volunteers, I will choose two people at random and stalk them until they give up their mailing address.

The only rule is when you get your "start" in the mail, you have to post that you received it along with a photo and choose two more people to pass it on to.
Easy huh?

The goal is to get everyone involved.
We can't rest until our bread has risen.

So, leave a comment and I will tag the first two people and SO help me you, if nobody comments you can all watch you backs because somebody's gonna play, like it or not.

Okeydokey Artichokeys, who's up for a little Bloggy Bread?!

You guys are SO bad! 
I can see how many of you have come and gone and not left a comment for the bread.
Don't worry, it may not be today, but the bread will come to you. 
The bread will come.....

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